Brown spots near veins of leaf

So in 24 hours I’ve gone from seeing this on one leaf, to seeing it on 25%+ of leaves.

Any ideas?
Background: Day 29 flower, FC4800 (80% at 18"), Fox Farm Soil, organic top dressing (Gaia green), Recharge & Walmart Spring water. 5gal bags & I’ve been top dressing once every 2 weeks, 5tbsp of Gaia… 2tbsp 4-4-4 & 3tbsp 2-8-4.

This is happening on the big plant, front right.

I scoped it, definitely not insects.
White spots are just debris from fox farm soil.


Hey @Gonzo, is it only happening on the leaf midrib, or on the rest of the leaf surface too? Can’t quite tell in the pics. Did it start at the top or the bottom of the plant? I’m sure we can figure this one out :v:

I’ll toss a guess out there. Top dressing every two weeks seems a bit too frequent (I use the same stuff). I think this plant is just starting to show symptoms of excess phos and calcium deficiency. They’ve got an antagonistic relationship, too much phos means not enough calcium in terms of uptake. Symptoms seem to line up.

Just a guess :v: nice looking plants, they’ll do just fine


When you say Spring water do you know if there’s any Calcium in it? A question I have to the group is, is Nitrogen antagonist to Calcium?


I don’t think they interact at all :v:


I’ve been looking for that chart, thanks for putting it up.

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I’m not 100% sure where it started @BasementBeans but I first noticed it towards the top. It does seem to be from top to bottom at this point. On a lot of the leaves now. So I top dressed way too often I guess. Any solution other than no more top dresses :slight_smile:

I think the Gaia has 16% calcium & I gave it recommended dose of CalMag about a week ago mixed into a gallon of water. Did I overdo calcium with all the top dresses?

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If you mix amendments 2 weeks prior into a batch of soil in a plastic tote prior to using soil you won’t need top dresses you can make supplemental Teas very light ones and it will get rid of half that leaf issues everyone seems to get and you will get by your plants will thank you.The requirements off the bags are way too much I’ve been experimenting and I’ve been getting by using a quarter of what they call for in some cases especially with the Dr earth products that alfalfa is hot.Foxfarm makes thier soil with a synthetic nitrogen spray and it can be really hot be careful with that one I don’t trust thier blending anymore take heed.This Purple Kush has had nothing but a Malted barley Top dress (Not needed but it’s a must makes them swell up like little piggies )to get my microbes up and all I water her with is some TPS organic Calmag to my water Ph 6.3 Because it’s RO no more nutes since 3 months and still going strong almost too strong at one point I got very small tip burn 4 weeks ago and that’s off of again a quarter of the mix to what the soil ratio was.


Dim the light, before changing anything else, they’re stress praying a little.


Done, light dimmed thanks @Rogue

I will completely rethink my nutrients going forward @CapnCannabis hopefully since I’ve top dressed [5tbsp) three times already… I (A) Hope the plants survive & (B) I won’t top dress again, I’m sure they have more than enough now eh?


Thier going to tell you one way or the other Brochacho They look far as the nutes go less is more especially since the prices shot up on everything.Next grow try it out and see if that works for you.I think you will be Free and smoke hard :dash: :facepunch:

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Nothing to see here. Beautiful plants. Don’t sweat the small stuff. You’re doing great.


Alright I’ll take your advice @PioneerValleyOG but it’s starting to show up on most of the leaves… guess it won’t be the first time I lost all my leaves :laughing:

If they are halfway through flower they may just be beginning to end their life cycle. Seen plants using up their leaves near the end more than once. Just a humble opinion.

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I agree with @BasementBeans, there’s plenty of Calcium available but it may have been blocked by a Phosphorous excess … beer3|nullxnull


Is that something I can fix/slow through a foliar @george or since I’m at day 30 should I just not worry about it.

I would just flush with pHed water and check the slurry pH and EC, if there’s an excess it will help to dissolve it, I wouldn’t add more nutes until watching how the plant reacts, they don’t look hungry … beer3|nullxnull

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Just ‘leafve’ it alone.


Always the right answer at the 1st sign of a problem. :+1:



@CapnCannabis @PioneerValleyOG @George

I started noticing a funky smell 3 days ago, like dank soil or a pool locker room, not the usual weed smell. Should I water in some Southern AG garden friendly fungicide? Could some sort of root rot cause spots like that? I really need to start doing better dry-backs, ugh.

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Can you get a look at the roots or are they too big for you to pull out of the pots safely? I’ve had that funky mildew type smell if I’ve been watering too heavy and I usually give them a peroxide soak at 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 3 parts water. It kills the mold if there is anything and gives the roots a boost of oxygen. I’ll do it once a week for a couple weeks just to make sure they’re good. I don’t know much about the use of good fungi to out compete the bad as I’ve never used it personally. Running a skewer down through the roots to loosen them up and get some air down into the media seems to help mine from this happening but that’s just what I’ve seen in my garden.

Edited for ratio of Peroxide to water. Had them backwards in the first post.

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