Is this an addiction? I'd like to hear from you.

Okay OG Fam,

I know buying beans started out as a nessity and hobbie for me but now I’m starting to think that it’s becoming an addiction. I started buying beans overseas in quantities as they were not available in the US and made sense since shipping cost and confiscations were high but now I have no need to purchase the amounts that I do since the influx of seed banks in the U.S.
The rationality that I use is that I’ll miss out and the cost of beans will keep rising at a rate that I will no longer be able to afford them so I should pick them up now. What made me realize that I may have a addiction is that when friends came over this Thanksgiving and ask for some seeds and I open up the dedicated refrigerator to get the beans, their jaws dropped said "holy shit!! why do you have so many seeds? Can you even get though all of them? Then proceed to take pictures to share on there social media. I thought for a minute then realized that even if I popped a pack a week It would take me at least 5 years, granted that I wouldn’t be able to pop a pack a week because of plant count laws. Btw, bought like 12 more packs for the Black Friday sales. It was too good to pass up.
Lucky Dog packs at $95, Karma packs at $75, Dominion at $50, Bodhi’s new drops at $51, Dynasty packs at $96, Jaws essentially $40 with the Bogo and a few other breeders.
I’d like to think of myself as a preservationist and a hobby grower but is this too much? I can afford to buy the seeds and won’t ever put myself in any financial difficulties but, when enough, enough?
I’d like to hear your thoughts?
As a side note: I’m not willing to let any of my beans go and only give away repro’s and hybrids.


A post was merged into an existing topic: Strainaholics Anonymous meeting