ISO Indiana bubblegum rooted clone

Hello there. I’m relatively new here but yet I’ve traded with a few of you. Im on the hunt for a rooted clone of the old school Indiana bubblegum. If you know anyone who has this or if you yourself have it please message me and let me know. Currently at this moment I’m just offering cash but I have 4 clones that’ll be mother plants in a month or so. Just waiting on roots and growth but if this interests you please reach out to me. I can only pay for it at this time but id be willing to work out other trades for clones or partial trade totally up to the seller. I would prefer a private sale and not a website where you just buy clones as ive not had the best results with that. Thanks for having me here at OG and I hope yall are having a great day!


I had an elite clone of Indiana Bubblegum back in the day and I made my own cross with it…I have my farmers/ranchers buddies growing it this summer in 4 different towns…

Indiana Bubblegum x Arcata Trainwreck

IB A Wreck is my homemade strain…

Grown in a Phototron

Grow in 1K MH & HPS…


Those look really bad ass! :sunglasses::+1::v:


If you don’t end up finding it I highly recommend Fleur de mal seeds version. I just finished it, very stable heavy producer, 60-65 day finish from start of 12/12. It was pretty great :+1: good luck with your search.


beautiful plants! ive never seen any legit Indiana bubblegum in my area, with such a strong legendary following ive always wondered why. my buddy who works in the industry claimed it was “an outdoor heritage cut” from the midwest bread for local conditions and never made it out west.

do your buddies grow outdoors? is the cut something that evolved over years of working a line in a microclimate (like blue dream)?

I just heard that Dookie aka Kaka on the forums is selling Indiana Bubblegum clones. He’s who I got my Motorbreath 15 and pre 98 Bubba Kush cuts from. He can be reached by his site
The Indiana Bubblegum is $500 for three snips so it’s not cheap but he has a good reputation for legit cuts. Hope this helps.


Legit or not. That is robbery.


it is high priced but that’s what you pay if you want something and can’t find it elsewhere

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dont really see bubblegum getting cash cropped here so makes sense maybe but romulan is a popular one so i dont know about those prices.

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I don’t care if its the holy grail and the roots are gold plated. I’m not making some dudes f150 payment for 3 snips.


All are outdoor growers…


I too spent some time looking for a legitimate Bubblegum cut. Then I started thinking do I really want to spend that much money buying a clone that may or may not arrive healthy and have no pests or hlvd from someone I don’t know from Adam?

I took this route instead and from past experience with CSI I am confortable that this pack of seeds will produce a good representation of the original and for $100


Bubblegum S1 ~ Bubblegum (Indiana cut) x Bubblegum (Indiana cut)


I found some really nice pink bubblegum terps in that pack myself. Safe bet there!


im really curious about indiana bubblegum. there is something special about regional strains.
let us know how it goes!


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