Jacksprat Garden

Shady place, watered plants, good soil…and they look happy! Keep up, they will reward you :slight_smile:

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Looking good there, they’ve blown up in the last few days, is that flowers on the scarlet grape?

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yes they are autos, Dr.


Four regs, one male JTR was removed, One is in preflower and the other TBD. I’ve trimmed the taller BD to the same height as the other.




Beautiful garden brotha. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

I love the big corn field in the background too. What the variety thats growing? (if you know, if not no worries)

I harvested a couple cobs of Buhl’s Sweets corn from Baker’s creek. It was earthy and less sweet than what I was expecting. I think the Art Vernels would have been better tasting, but I lost those to deer.

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Field corn for silage, plenty edible when harvested at it’s peak.


Those autos are doing you proud

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Took in the two Scarlet Grape and most of the two Hot Cakes. There were a couple of rot spots and a borer had just infiltrated a stem. They look and smell good. The JTR were blown over in a wind storm. and are now staked back up. The flat sides are where the wind worked at it, not where they laid on the ground. Weird. So some of the rooting was torn away but they are doing very well.


8/20 and only one plant showing any preflowers. Not a good omen for harvesting decent buds. So I cut back half the height on these. Less foliage to screw with, less bud sites and possibly increase in bud size. Most of the plants will be harvested when the corn is cut, in about a month. I’ll leave a few bottom branches on each to continue to ripen.


I’ve been using B’cuz bloom stim to force early flowering on my tomatoes and they burst into flower in days
Worth a try

Thanks, Bush. I don’t have none of that. I’ll need to see if I can find it around. Otherwise I’ll order some. There’s always next year.

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One JTR showed first about a week ago, nothing else yet.


The one flowering JTR is terminally ill. The wind damage from that storm last week severed most of the roots and it’s a goner. So one JTR and two Blues Deluxe waiting to flower 8/23. NOT GOOD.

Hey now. Half through trimming the autos.

The JTR damaged in the windstorm died. The last JTR was another male = four males, one female (deceased). The two Blues Deluxe still have nothing but leaves, so that’s a total bust too. Maybe I’ll try those varieties indoors someday. Sorry. :neutral_face:


Hot Cakes, Scarlet Grapes and Hubba Bubba Smell-O-Scope are dried and jarred.
They each smelled sweet and were plenty sticky. And the Cakes and Grapes smell nice and sweet when dried. The Hubba smelled astringent, to me. I haven’t had that smell in years, the last time was C-99. And that weed was great. Hubba had the same nervous effect on me as the C-99. I was shaky and wired for a few minutes. I love it! You know your alive. :wink:


Hot Cakes


(2) Blues Deluxe


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