3/4 Asser....better than a 1/2

This is it. I’m gonna go for it and try to support myself fully. I’ve been a dabbler in home growing since I was 17. (20 years) Due to my lady friends not loving the cannabis as much as me, they were stressed so I kept it to one every year or so. Now that Johnny Law has lightened up I can have 12 plants.

With that being said, I kind of just started a little bit of everything. Yeah, I chucked some pollen for no reason. How else was I gonna learn. It was from a known beautiful Grease monkey specimen that I crossed with blueberry og pollen from seeds I got from Premium Seed Market. The other pollen chucking adventure was a blueberry cupcake (blueberry muffins x wedding cake) clone I had in flower. I was sent some Lemint pollen, Haze x African Haze x Afritiva (Durban x Malawi x Swazi x Rooibaard) x Haze) from @corey. I had no plans of this cross but respected his wishes and put it to use fast.

I also, never thought I’d say this, started some autos. My tent alone can’t support me so my plan is to run some autos outside before it’s 100 degrees here in the AZ desert. I got them in 3 gallon pots and while it’s still chilly I’ll keep inside for a bit.

I germinated a GDP fem seed that I don’t know what I’m gonna do with yet and I have some weird monster clones I’ve almost thrown away twice but they finally started to grow.

I’m using a top of the line POS amazon light that’s working good for now. I can’t even find the brand lol. I use 1/1/1 of FFOF, Coco, and perlite. It’s my first try with Advanced Nutrients and I need something simpler I think.

My dad always said “do everything at least 3/4 ass so nobody can call you a half-asser”
Anyway, this is my lil try of self sufficiency in a small space. I’ll keep you all posted


The blueberry cupcake I pollenated a branch of the African landrace


My first late winter grow. Grease monkey that I pollenated with blueberry og. Should be ready in a couple of days


My weird first Lil monsters of El aquamista my buddy gave me. Some of the best buds I’ve had in a bit.
They took forever and are weird. Worth it or save space for something else?


Some outdoor Runtz finishing up. She loved the cold


tagging along
looking nice my man!

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Outdoor cherry pie finishing nicely


Thank you!

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They look great, nice n frosty… :crossed_fingers:


After this 2nd grow which are the plants your all getting clones from, after that grow I want to do all haze…

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These look they are re-veggging after flowering…

EDIT: The El Aquamista look like it were flowered and re-vegging.


Looks good! Bookmarked for sure!

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I used advanced nutes for my first 3 grows , it was a pain playing mad scientist after 12 hr workdays , I switched to Jacks 3 2 1 & never looked back ! The grow is lookin good friend~


I’ll park over on the left and start packing the party bong. :vulcan_salute:

Your El Aquamista (the alchemist?) is an interesting bundle of ‘localized weirdness’, I like it. :+1:



Is Jacks 3 2 1 only for hydro?

Nope @GrowingInThePines , I use mine in happy frog soil with a few amendments & it does great . And is WAY cheaper than advanced Nutes


Look amazing.

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Yes, I was reading about monster cropping and probably took to late into flowering. Now I’m just learning about what happens with reveg I guess.


I’ve used Jack’s 3-2-1 in Aeroponics, DWC, top feed drain to waste, flood tables, peat moss, coco, perlite…the list goes on!

It’s performed very well in every grow style I’ve tried!!



I guess I’m confused by your? Right now I’m gonna take some clones from the Lil blueberry og I have and the GDP
I miss old super silver haze