Jalisco Mexico Landrace empty spots to be picked by random number generator

if this open again …I might like a spot on the list! I’ll check back to see if it’s open later!



I tried so darn hard to spell everything out for everyone! Links, direct quotes in bold, etc… :man_facepalming:

While I’m so appreciative of everyone’s excitement I was reminded of oh so many 90’s house parties when the cops showed up… chaos ensued and people got trampled.

Let’s all use this experience to learn and move forward so that every other co-op seed run sign-up for the rest of 2023 is smooth as fucking possible!

Yes I grew these seeds but I’ll say it again the real hero’s here are both @DougDawson and @G-paS for wrangling everyone and keeping kind about it!




Sign up @Calix , this is going to be the list used to draw from for the spots that opened up. We had to delete a few people for signing up others. There is a rule in both the Co-op docs that if you add other people both yourself and the person you sign up will be removed. Had one user sign up 6 people. Imagine how fast a wiki will fill up if folks are bringing their list of friends and signing them all up. Also @G-paS added the people that had been overwritten back to the list. She did a ton of work going through all the edits to fix these issues.


I was here… but 100% didn’t know how to deal with it! :rofl: :worried:


Thank you kindly G-paS, highly appreciated.


All good brother, OGers stick together :muscle:


You set it out 100% You can’t make people read.


I added myself… I hope that’s alright. Ay, Jalisco!

Another thanks to the producers, the gifters, and the overworked moderators of this melee! :rofl:


I will second that! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Thanks again @Pigeonman


Ay Jalisco… Love it!! :sunglasses:

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So now we have to rush like crazy people to get on a coop list?

no, now you have to politely back out when you see someone else editing instead of trying to type faster than them :joy:


Seems like there were more missteps than just that. Seems to me the coops are getting coopted.:slight_smile:

It was a great effort, but looking at the problem from a game theory standpoint it’s a simple issue. Regardless of whether people are nicely waiting their turn or shoving everyone else out of the way, the only thing that affects whether they get the seeds is getting on the list. All the nice people forgive the ones who consistently make the mistake of ignoring and wiping everyone else off the list, and there’s rarely any effort to go back and fix things because it’s too much trouble for the coordinators to go through hundreds of pages of wiki edits. What they’re doing - going through and impartially penalizing the people who broke the rules, whether purposefully or not - is the only way to solve the problem. When everyone realizes that overwriting someone on the list means you don’t get your seeds, people are gonna shape up real quick.


I wonder if it would be more easy no wiki at all and just ask to be added to the list icon_e_confused|nullxnull, more work for the OP (leaders can help) but less hassle and mistakes and a real chronological order. The wiki is supposed to help but IMHO not too much if you see the results … beer3|nullxnull


I think the wikis have just been getting worse. Folks really have not been held accountable for messing things up but hopefully this last one will serve as a message that they now will be. If folks know ignoring the edit conflict messages can lose them their spot it may alter the way they do things. :crossed_fingers:


:crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:


Thanks for coming-up with a Hail Mary just when we needed it
Cheers Gang

I have removed my name
from #24. Saw I made the original list.
Good Luck gang.
I’ll split my pack with a PM !!