Wiki Battles. Yes or No? My 6 point karma rule.?

Just as the title states. For future giveaways. What do you all think of my 6 point green pip idea for giveaway stipulations?


No, too easy to manipulate, IMHO
Sorry in advance if it goes forward.


I like to watch. It’s your give away and everyone’s choice to play or not. You do it how you want to do it. That’s the only right answer.


I think mixing it up, and having Wiki Battles is totally fine. I think those who participate know what they are getting themselves into. Although I think one name overwrite per wiki edit should be a rule. Obviously it would be an honor system thing, but overall that would retain the fun of the wiki battles but still spreading beans to as many people as possible.

Having multiple ways of doing giveaways is fun, and different. Someone who sucks at trivia or isn’t quick to call dibs may feel that a 10 minute wiki death helps them win something every once in a while. Ultimately I think you should be able to give seeds away in any way you want.

Every form of giveaways will be a negative to some while a positive for others.


What is a Wiki battle? Is it like a rap battle? I would be up for that. :rofl:


It’s a free for all Wiki with limited slots, where overwriting entries is allowed and multiple entries are allowed. At the end of 10 minutes the wiki post is closed and whatever names are there at the end are the seed winners. It’s pretty cut throat, but as long as every giveaway isn’t a wiki death battle I see no harm.


Hard pass. I don’t like taking someone spot.


Me personally, not a fan of wiki battle. I’ve tried to participate and honestly, just gives me anxiety, so I don’t play, but to each his own. The etiquette on a normal wiki is, never over write another person, so this goes against that ethos but I know there have been a few like this.


What stops someone from making their own list with their name in every spot erasing the whole wiki list and pasting their list in? You could keep doing this over and over.


Negative on the ‘wiki battle’. It will flow over to other efforts making for a mess. There’s a difficult enough time to get folk to read the rules within a particular give-away. In addition, connection speeds, location, etc will provide some individuals with an advantage over others.




Personally I like wiki signups using the honor system, wiki battles seem to cause a bit of panic heh. I have even won some wiki battles, but not the biggest fan. Karma point rule, trust level, time on site, date joining OG and what ever other limitation a giveaway host pay put in the rules/instructions are a different animal and have a good place for some giveaways. Either way I am happy to see people showing some good OG spirit and it inspires quite a few people to give back (Myself included. Just might host another here shortly :thinking: :shushing_face: )


It was creative though Corey, keep thinking you will come up with a winner……

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Let’s not worry too much about over arching rules. You make the rules for your own giveaways.

“This giveaway only open to Frenchmen named Jacques over 6’ tall” is fine with me.

I agree the wiki signups are chaos though.


An idea to do random giveaways but also giving everyone a fair shot is to have a wiki open where people add their name on a list (1 entry per person, no overwrites -capped at whatever limit the organizer decides) – and then you use a random number picker to determine the actual winners. Repeat the process to get the desired number of winners from the list.


I am not a fan of the wiki battles thing, but thats just my opinion.
I like the 6 green pip idea.


I am sure some have heard me complain about this in the past. As others have mentioned above we have seen issues with wiki sign ups before and continue to. To take this real issue and turn it into a game promoting the very thing we wish for people to stop seems counter productive to me. With so many ways to do a giveaway I just don’t see why we would want to encourage the very behavior that causes issues on sign ups and give people prizes for it.


I do see your point. Makes sense now. Had to think about it.

You need more than 2.000 likes to have 6 green pips, seems too high requirement for me, I would suggest just TL2 and no, I don’t like Wiki battles, may confuse the “legal” Wikis … beer3|nullxnull


I definitely see that point of view, I didn’t realize that wiki editing/overwriting was a real issue in the community.

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