James' Money-Pit Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Octopot!

Wednesday’s in-tent camshots…


Thanks Percy! Much appreciate the positive words :100:
Roots ARE awesome! :100: Ive had nothing but textbook Octopot grows so far. Decent root mass in bag, and decently root-full reservoirs, as well.

Im diggin the Octopot too! Makes it easy. Hoping Octopot will work some Mojo and keep things lady-like in this tent :pray:


Looks great…nice and clean

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Thursdays out the effendor pic…

Bushy as Fuuuuuuddge…

And some in-tent cam shots…

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Here’s saturday. Lots of help and distractions from Bella and Broadie. Stanlee’s Shitsu cousins!

Powie Pineapple :arrow_up: and her roots… :arrow_down:

Powie Poison :arrow_up: and her roots :arrow_down:

Looking good with their new cuts!

Believe it or not, this :arrow_down: :arrow_down: :arrow_down: wasnt planned… Just walked by, and there they were. Begged them not to photo-bomb while I grabbed my phone to snap a pic.

Here’s the Powie twins :arrow_down: :arrow_down: after recovering several hours…

Did a fairly hefty defoliation and training with “The Girls”. Topped both. One above 3rd node the other above 4th node.

Also taking a lesson learned from LSD, planning the direction of nodes and future mains. Each node alternates, and thats important to know and utilze to training advantage.


This is what I did today…

At buds house early enough to qualify as early… :rofl: to complete Octopot system and get cuttings planted…

From this…

Hanging out with Stanlee and Tanley… crazy coincidence :100:

To this!

And This!

Just waiting for his other HLG Scorpion to arrive…


Mondays in-tent cam shots…


Powie Poison is looking good and quite Female as well. Hoping :100:

Powie twins looking good

Gonna take a lil off the top… Right about here

Powie Poison after getting a lil cut or two…


Fridays out the Effendor Pic…

Gonna check her out kinda close this weekend to see if any signs of… Balls :neutral_face:


Action from the last few days…

My grow in all her glory… :grin:

Gettin up there!

Powie poison :arrow_up: and her roots :arrow_down:

Powie Pineapple :arrow_up: and her roots :arrow_down:

The Powie Twins arent the only ones getting cut today…

Stanlee got the “Full Treatment” today as well. Got it down to 3 hours total.

Washed, Completely fluff dried, scissor and clipper cut. Shit put away. All inside of 3 hours. Im happy and stuff is paying for itself. I gotta say, this is the best Stan has been during a cut. So Proud of him!

I think I may have taken a couple of heads just a bit too early. We’ll see what happens there.
Still waiting for sex… But arent we all, lol.


Mondays out the effendor pic…


:heart: Stanlee :heart:
Your plants look gorgeous. Keep it up.

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Really enjoying watching this grow from afar. Love your setup, and the title of the thread.

Stanlee looking sharp… :metal: :slight_smile:

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Very much appreciate the good words guys!
Just keep putting out a fem vibe for these two… They have yet to reveal their true selves…

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Quick question what made you switch to different bags?



Straight up love the Octopot system, but the bags suck. No nice way to put it. The Rocket sleeves I’d purchased were inconsistent and stitching on handles is a joke.
For about the same price, Rain Science bags are far superior… They stand up on their own, whereas the Octobags are flimsy.
The Rocket bag tore on removal after its first use, but I can see these Rain Science bags lasting quite some time and through several harvests and cleanings.
To my mind, the Octobags are one time use, disposable bags to use in a pinch. I dont plan to use the few new bags that I have left over.
Even my buddy who just converted to Octopot 8-site system went all Rain Science bags.

Better in every possible way. Cut 4" hole in bottom, and off to the races!


Gotcha… I am 3 years in using octos and wont use anything else… I dont re use either.

Are they thicker than the octo bags? Do they allow the same amount of oxygen to the root system of the plant?

Do you see any difference in the amount harvested from the octo ones vs the RSB?

Thanks again for the info


Yes, I believe they are thicker. They are so much more breathable than the Rocket sleeves.
Look at this shot…

You can see right thru the damn thing!

They are made of some kind of coated nylon weave. Tough as Fuck. Bitch and a half trying to install the grommets myself… that fabric is just Strong.
Ive noticed powder along the top of my Octopots when using these bags. Ultra-fine soil is finding its way out ever so slightly…
They also dont retain moisture the way most fabric bags do. I believe they do allow more oxygen to the roots, and possibly a more direct path to the Octopot reservoir concentrating moisture more to the center column leaving the outside very dry feeling.
I couldnt compare harvests, but @Mr.greenbee might be able to chime in on that…

Love those bags :100:


One last question and then I will leave yah alone :slight_smile:

Do you find you have to water more because they dont retain the moisture like the other bags?



Thats negligible. Once roots hit the res, thats where most of the “feeding” occurs. I would say no more than my prior Octobag grows. Usually during heavy Veg or Flower, they drink around a gallon +/- per day.

Happy to help, if you have additional questions.

Not sure what scale youre growing on or when youre looking to make a move, but my buddy ordered his on sale with free shipping for orders $100 & over. He ended up getting 10 bags to have a couple extras.