James' Money-Pit Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Octopot!

These numbers are doable…
Turn the lamp up a bit and turned down the supplemental lighting. Hitting just over 200 ppfd


Looks like Powie twins doing well. Fed last night at 520 PPM/1.1EC in reservoir.
Just cruising til signs of sex…
Gonna order some tests, but not for this round. We’ll see what happens naturally.


Wednesday’s in-tent cam shots…


Thursdays out the effendor Pic…

And some in-tent cam shots…

Spending some time with Stan and my Wayne Charvel custom…

Here’s my custom order Carvin CT6. Nice Flame maple top with birdseye maple fretboard…



Here’s Day 11 seedling…


Monday (with a vengeance) out the effendor Pic… Seedling Day 12

Back started going out on me last night. Probably paying me back for 11 hour road trip Saturday… but we did pick up this sweet PRS Fiore!

Of the two plants, Powie Poison seems to be just a tad bit bigger. This is Seedling day 12. Ive Historically (In both of my two from seed grows) stayed in seedling for 18 days before making the official “Flip” to Flower.

Not sure when I’ll see signs of sex, but anxiously waiting…

One thing I’ve changed on this grow from all of my prior grows is keeping them on 24/7 light thru seedling stage. Just want to see how they do, and seems to work just fine so far. Not sure how that will affect my standard 18 day seedling stage and possilbe root migration to the reservoir. Roots have been hitting between 2-3 weeks from start of seedling.

Aside from the sexing, this is the part that really keeps me on the edge of my seat… Waiting for those roots to hit reservoir! Its a tense time.

Here’s Mondays in-tent cam shots…


Tuesdays out the effendor Pic…


Here’s Humpday pics!

View from above shows Powie Poison with a slight lead…

P.Pine is looking fine. Stacking nicely.

P.Oison is a bit meaner looking, if thats possible…

Day 14 Seedling for these two. 4 days left in seedling at 24 hours per day. Day 19 starts Veg and 18/6 schedule. Roots should be hitting reservoir around that time…


Photos from the last few days…

Powie Twins looking good…

Cant believe roots popping through in UNDER two weeks. :arrow_down: :arrow_up:


Fingers crossed you get two ladies :crossed_fingers:

Looking happy

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Definitely. Thanks!

Kinda funny, I went to a nephews reveal party Saturday, kinda feel I may need one for these guys (using “guys” non-gender specifically). I wore pink, and baby supposed to be a girl. Maybe its a sign… :rofl:


Here’s some of the action from the past few days…

Stopped off at Guitar Center Friday the 5th to get outta the house with Stan. Don there is awesome and loves Stan. He always has treats ready!

These two still need more taken off the top…

Powie Pineapple

Powie Poison

Pineapples Roots. I think…

Poisons Roots on Day 16 of Seedling.

Started some training on the “Girls”…

Mixing nutes at a bit over half strength. Maybe 3/4.

Feed me, Seymour!!

Got them both to the 3rd line. Plenty to drink for the week, I think!

Theyre looking good, but would be nice to know if theyre “sporting the wrong equipment”.
Soon enough, hopefully.

Powie Poison is definitely the bigger of the two, so far. Both getting same light, same nutes.

Probably top by this weekend.

So, these two REALLY grew fast and roots to res faster than Ive grown prior. Gotta assume its the 24 hour light schedule, but who really knows? If my DLI is the same running lamp “hotter” for 18 hours or a bit dialed down for 24 hours… Do seedlings benefit from rest, or best to go 24 hours?

Ive been running 24 hours for the first few days of seedling, and then change to 18 hours once they are good for a day or three.


Tuesdays out the effendor pics…
Waking from their 3-4 Day Dirt Nap…Day 24 from Seed. Day 4 of Veg. Seedling for 16 days…

The “Girls” are looking good. Poison is bigger, for sure.
If one or both somehow end up male, perhaps some counseling, etc could help them find their true Female inner selves…and save my grow. :rofl:


I’m the same way they don’t affect me unless they are ultra strong and even then

I see your harvest is increasing per grow

A good friend @Gardenartus she hit 19 oz I plant
Octopots are a great help
The most I hit was 21oz from 2 plants

Cuttings are the best for the Octopots

Easy enough to root but could take up to 20 days to see roots

I Am rooting 12 now 6 rooted between 7and 10 days it’s day 22 still no roots on the others
It happens sometimes
Hi temperature and humidity are your friend



Thanks Paps!

Ive been showing my buddy who got me started growing, my Octopot grows.
Im always talking about how easy it is, and no worries with over/under watering, etc.

He Just got his 8 site auto-fill Octopot system the other day. His Rain Science bags are supposed to arrive today.
He’s gonna try Octopots out MY WAY. Basically, gonna mirror what Im doing this grow and LSDs grow.

Got him off of Fox Farms (Great soil!) and onto HP Promix. He’s gonna do 1/2 Gallon PH’d RO water with Clonex at 170ppm for top feed.
Clones are his thing, so he’s gonna be running cuts in it, just like I did with Electrify… But with Rain Science bags.

He says if he can do 4 lbs from that set up, he’s a convert.
Im pulling an average of 8oz+ per plant, so he should really kill it! Excited for him :100:

I’ll have to check her out. Thanks!

Im going to his place to help out this evening. I’ll grab some photos. Its gonna be awesome. Two HLG650Rs in a small room he converted. Octopots will run 4 deep, 2 wide. Plenty of room to access each side, so maintenance is easy. His plants run tall. Usually 5-6 feet.


Canna Rhizotonic it’s great for root development

@ifish got me using it it’s amazing stuff


Not my setup, but got my buddy converting. Eight site auto-fill.

He’s got two 60 gallon barrels. One being fed RO water and the other will have Nutes in it. That barrel will feed the Octopot control res.

He’ll have just enough room on both sides for maintenance, etc.

Gonna be sweet! Im sure he’ll pull big numbers from this set up :100:

Afterwards, dinner with Stanimal at Jack In The Box


Thanks for sharing your journey, great pics of some great choices of strains…I love what you’re doing…those roots are awesome so early. Diggin the octopot

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Looks fantastic…nice clean setup

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