James' Money-Pit Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Octopot!

Tiki Hawaiian Snow Cone sleeping on the job…

In less than an hour, she’ll have all the light she can handle. :100:

And we’re awake!
Here’s some in-tent cam shots…


Thursdays in-tent cam shots…

Tiki Hawaiian Snow Cone is just awesome so far…

Looking down the road a bit, looks like Week 12 Flower starts on Thanksgiving day. Very likely, I may harvest her the weekend directly after Thanksgiving.

That puts her at 11+ weeks and gives me a long weekend to gear up and get shit done.

Hosting Thanksgiving at our place this year. House full of Filipinos and friends, so gonna be a mess afterwards.
What a perfect time to harvest and have housecleaners come in after :100:


A few Day 29 shots…

UVA lights glowing away…
Need to look into UVB bulb to really make a difference. Dangerous stuff though, and I can be careless sometimes.

Raised the light 10 clicks (1 inch) to 19" and hitting around 1000 at canopy, I may raise another inch to 20". Lowered from level 10 to level 9. Only 20-30Ppfd difference. Need to start working on controlling heat in here. Going to be a long run on this girl, and thankfully temperatures are finally dropping from the 100s next week.


Friday’s in-tent cam shots…

This photo :arrow_down: screams “Dank!”
Even this early on…

Day 30, Week 5 in Flower. Looking pretty damn good. I have no idea what kind of harvest I may have on this one, but I’m sure it’ll be tasty :100:


Sunday Day 32, Week 5 Flower.

Went to Downtown Summerlin to walk Stan, and there just happened to be a car show that day. Cool Back to the Future DeLorean on display. I suggested Stanlee is an excellent driver, but was quickly shot down. Did some plant maint to the movie later on

Looking much better than this DeLorean at the body shop for the past couple of years… Future uncertain for this one.

Tiki Hawaiian Snow Cone is definitely running on empty… filling her up with some nutes, just not sure which ratio


Mondays in-tent cam shots…

With main light off, Its easy to see what the inter canopy lighting does and how it may be effective during Flower.

Day 33, Week 5 Flower
Fed her to the rim yesterday. Complete 5-gallon feeding. Bumped PK up another notch. All else still going on W4 custom schedule another week for this long Flowering girl…


Tuesday’s in-tent cam shots…


Thursdays in-tent cam shots…

Lights on…

Main light off.

Week 6, Day 36 Flower

5 or 6 more weeks for her to plump up. She’s kinda small right now.


Patiently waiting for in-tent cam shots…

Tiki Hawaiian Snow Cone looking absolutely Stantastic!:100:

Starting to see some super-stars in there :beers:


Fed her another full 5 gallons at bed time. Thirsty gal, she is…


Here’s Sunday Day 39, Week 6

Sticky as Fuuuudddge on her 3rd “Week 4”


Mondays in-tent cam shots…

Extra bonus shots! Did a lil work this am…

Moved a couple of the supplemental light bars down lower for better lighting. I think I might leave them on the lower bars from now on.


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