James' Money-Pit Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Octopot!

Happy Sunday! Just gave Tiki Hawaiian snow cone a good Athena Stack foliar soaking…

This is Flower - Day 18

She will probably get one more application by Day 21.


My Girls…

Tiki Madman Hawaiian Snow Cone just doin it :beers:

Several tips coming thru upper Canopy. Got another week or so of growth, Im guessing. Maybe more, since its a 12 week strain.

Made some environmental changes…

HLG350R now at 18" distance from upper bars/net. Light level 10
UVA lamp at 10
Supp lamp below canopy at 10

Let There Be Lignt! :100:


Got rid of Powie Poison yesterday… He’s been drying out for the past couple weeks.

Such a shame… Strong roots on this one.

Powie Poison was definitely the bigger of the Powie twins

Sad to see him go, but honestly the tents are both under much more control now. I think Tiki Hawaiian Snow Cone is doing great here, and Powie Pineapple loving the 2x2 :100:

This mornings sleep-time stats just before 9am wake up… Happy Monday :beers:


Mondays in-tent cam shots…

Down to just over 3 gallons from just over 5 in reservoir Saturday. Around a gallon per day, more or less…

This last shot :arrow_down: is pretty exciting! Shows great stacking and development on a few colas :beers:

Tiki Hawaiian Snow Cone looking awesome and drinking heavily at Day 19 Flower. Really couldnt be much happier with this one. Major Day 21 defoliation and trim coming up Wed orThurs.

Need to give at least one more Stack foliar treatment as well. Probably tomorow evening.


Day 19 afternoon shots.

Tiki Hawaiian Snow Cone just killing it :100:
I may just grow her again. Still have cuttings in the garage fridge… Need to check on them. Been a bit


Tuesday’s in-tent cam shots…


@supersecretjim gotta say I really enjoy checking out your grow! I don’t interact much but do check in often. killer setup :muscle:


Thanks, Buck!

I appreciate the lurking :rofl: and the kind words :100:
Definitely keep stopping by, and chime in every now and again :beers:


Here’s my special lil girl on Day 21 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I love this view :arrow_down: below . I think it’ll be my main view for comparisons week to week. Just need to raise a bit as colas grow :100:

View from the top…

Having fun with HLG350 off… :arrow_down:

Now HLG and ACI Supp Bars off… :arrow_down:
UVA only

Getting a major defoliation and trim tonight after work. Devote at least a couple of hours to her.

My buddy’s plants are just going insane right now

Gonna make some RO water as well. Both Tiki HSC and Powie Poison next door took last of 5-Gallon mixed nutes yesterday. Good for 2-3 days, but gonna need nutes. Definitely gonna give her a PK boost today based on whats in the Res…


I must say, “Looking at your plants makes me feel good inside” :relieved:
There, i said it



Here’s Day 21 Defoliation and Trim.

From This.


And This… Hairy-Scary Tiki Madman Hawaiian Snow Cone in desperate need of a cut :100:

Streamlined Gal

Lost several tops due to being an idiot. Just couldn’t get out of my own way. Ever have one of those days when everything is just …“off”

That was me during our session together :100:


Thursday morning in-tent Sleep-cam :zzz: shots… Day 22

Must be getting “activity” from the infra-red cameras. This cam :arrow_down: isnt equipped.

Tiki HSC was looking pretty sad yesterday evening after the major defoliation/massacre she was subjected to :rofl:
Didnt have much light hours left to recoup. She’s looking fairly perky just prior to wake-up, and think she’ll look pretty awesome when I get home late afternoon.

Now that she’s up…

She’s filling the canopy and the 2x4 nicely. Could this be my “1 pound after dry” plant? Probably not. But I should pull a good harvest if I dont keep fucking up.
I didnt get photos of all the buds and tips I lost. Depressing, but the grow goes on :100:

She’s on empty now, just running on fumes. Week 4 feeding tonight with addtional PK :beers:
Full 5-Gallon feeding tonight :100:


Some of Thursday nights Day 22 action :beers:

Here’s Week 4 nutes. Im sure she’ll love it :beers:

Went to my buds place to help him raise his lamp. Got rid of one ratchet and hung directly. Some plants are really reaching :100:


Fridays in-tent cam shots…

She’s looking good :beers:


I just got through this whole thread. You’re doing some great work! I appreciate you sharing your process and photos. Also Stanlee is adorable :heart_eyes: If you haven’t already you should absolutely use him as a size reference for harvest photos. And frankly if you have, you should always. :laughing:

I noticed you have a pipettor (at least that is the term I have seen for them). How do you like it? I’ve been waffling between “large syringe” and one of those.

I hope things continue to go smoothly, and you should share some of your training photos over in Show off your mainlining, manifolding, or other training!, you definitely have some that are inspirational! :star_struck:


Monday’s in-tent cam shots…
Day 26 Week 4

And some of this weekends action…

Steelheart concert! Becoming an almost yearly deal…

Good showing of roots in the reservoir :100:

Stan and I made 20 gallons of RO water this weekend. 10 gallons to the plants and 10 in reserve for later…

TIki HSC looking pretty good. Not as far along as some others by this time, but see how Tiki HSC developes over the coming weeks…


Thanks! I appreciate the kind words.

Stanlee for size reference… Im on board!

As for the pipette, I love it. Indispensable for my grow. Just wish it had USB-C charging instead of proprietary connector.

I’ll have to check out the manifolding and training section. Didnt even know about that :100:

Thanks! :beers:


I have an 11 lb chihuahua/miniature pinscher mix, he’ll probably feature heavily when I harvest.

Great to know about the pipette, I might move that up the priority list when I get some money to spend on upgrading aspects of my grow.

I started that mainlining/manifolding/training thread just recently, before I actually got to that section in your posts. A lot of people have photos of training and such in their own logs, but there was no centralized place for them.

I like looking through stuff that’ll give me ideas for my own grows, so I thought others might benefit from that as well. More actionable than bud shots (as great as they are), I can’t make my bud look like those, but seeing other folks’ techniques gives me things I can try.


Here’s a couple of Monday evening shots…

Day 26, Week 4 Flower


Tuesday evening…

Definitely in needing of a feeding… So thats what she got. 4 Gallons in res, and will top off again in day or two with final gallon.

EC 2.5 and PPM 1250. I always go full strength on CaMg @5ml per Gallon.
Always 3ml for Balance and Cleanse. Balance adds Potassium Silicate (strong stems).

2nd week of Week 4 nutes, but boost PK 1ml per week thru 4th Week 4 Feeding, then on to Week 5-9 feedings to finish off :100: 12 Weeks planned for this gal
What could go wrong!? :rofl:

So basically running W4 Nutes 4 weeks in a row, but each week has extra PK. this is due to 12 Week Flowering period (potentially)
1st W4 was PK 6 as per Athena schedule
2nd W4 was PK 7 - this is custom mix just fed today and adjusted thru next two W4 feedings.
3rd W4 will be PK 8
4th W4 will be PK 9
Then continue on with W5 nutes PK 9, which in actuality will be Week 8 in Flower. Sufficiently confused!? Me too :beers:

I think this is the best Tiki Hawaiian Snow Cone has looked since her “Day 21 massacre”
We lost alotta good tops n buds that day :face_holding_back_tears:

Buds are finally staring to chunk up just a bit. Noticeably bigger than the past several days.