Jinx seed run

Grape lilac you say🧐. These look like they yield heavy and hit even harder!


We shall see and I hope I can send you some?


Looks very beautiful. :+1: very frosty!!

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I’ll send you some when they’re ready if you like ?

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Awesome I’m in!! I have a giveaway going on over here too.

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Actually @Reznfingeez33 ill send you a 10 pack of sugar haze. Don’t bother signing up


Oh my gosh thank you so much brother. I’ll get them beans to you asap . I have lots of people to send to . I’m thinking it will be a great cross :blush:


What’s the lineage on the sugar haze Kasper ?

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They came from seed maker from here

[Santa Marta Colombian with Sam the Skunkman’s Original Haze plant.


Wow they sound fire :fire:

It’ll be eight weeks this Saturday. I guess I’ll let her go longer. What do you guys think I don’t have any clear try combs on the ignites but I have clears on the 9 pound so I will definitely let it go another week, so maybe I’ll go let the nights go another week also seeing as it’s only for seeds, and heck who knows maybe I’ll make some dry sift ha ha


If you shuck the seeds over a trim bin, you’ll get a lot of keif.

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That’s exactly my plan tracker :sunglasses:

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You have my address?

Good looking plants, mate. Nice job. They look stuffed!

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I can send you seeds when they’re finished bro? Thanks greenghoy :+1:

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Sure man! I’m always down to test and run strains for people just lmk when to send my Addy.

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You can send now and when they’re ready I’ll ship you some bud😎

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No. I do need your address.

In private @Reznfingeez33 !!!