J-Ickys Ancestral Skunk Run

Ok so I’ll start by saying I’ve never done an online grow journal. But since I’ve gotten questions about the ancestral skunk F2s I sent out I figured I’d throw this up for those that want can see how the moms of those seeds look like and how they finish.

So these are pics from when they were first moved into flowering. The seed run went longer than I had planned so these went on way bigger than I had planned, hence the bending of the stems

Here they are at the start of week 4

Here they are today, the start of week 5




Oh and I’ll n case anyone is wondering why there are 4 plants and I only listed 2 is because I have 2 clones of each mom. In the first pics the ones on the left are #1 and right is #2


What do you think of the genetics so far?


My limited experience with them has been good. #2 is def a sweet skunk, so far it’s growing chunks of buds instead of the typical colas. #1 has a funk to it I can’t quite but my finger on but really no sweetness to her, she also grows more typical cola buds.
During the seed run #1 finished faster and was frostier, but this go round #2 seems to be maturing quicker and both seem about equal in the frost area.


S-U-P-E-R, @J-Icky…well done. Stay safe/be well.


Looking good for 5 weeks :+1:


I dropped a few I paper towels yesterday :v:t5:. Update… as of today I attempted 3 f2 in paper towels one is open peeking tap. Also attempted 6 original. I soaked them in water about 18hrs. Putting into paper towel. I noticed 2 that are open with taps peeking. Almost shit myself. Hope they are what they should be. I’m pumped :v:t5:. That’s 33% for me right now


I’m hoping you have better luck than I did with the originals. I had 30+/100 crack open but all but 7 stalled at that point. If that turns out to be the case I’m sure the members here can help with some advice to maybe keep them from stalling out like mine.


Ok so I need to start this post by letting all following I was actually a week off. The last picks were actually the end of week 5/beginning of week 6.

After watching them mature more this week it made me go back through my notes and I found I didn’t actually take those first pics until they were already in the flowering cab a week.

So now that that is cleared up here’s a few pics from today, already a couple days into week 7

And as can be seen in the pics, these are gonna be a pain to trim once they are done. Hopefully one of these will be worth it lol.


I got 3 of the f2 up. None of the 6 original popped.


What did you guys pay per seed for the originals?



Are these via Sam Skunkman?


I got these I have from @J-Icky


Yeah these are Skunkmans.


I was gifted a bunch but when they were available they were 100 seeds for $60


They were just available for that just a couple weeks ago

Not sure if they’ve been taken down


Not sure if anyone has asked yet but what were the germ rates?

I saw some of the guys saying 5-10%-ish. Didn’t follow through much on seeing how they turned out.


Of the 100 I started only 6 fully sprouted and Grew. But that was with a basic sprouting methods, 12hrs in a cup of water and then Into paper towels.
I’m sure with more advanced techniques someone could get 20%+. But it’ll be a while before I get back around to them as I have so many other things I want to explore first.

I have a post on here asking if someone is interested in doing a seed run for the community. So if anyone is really interested in exploring this line and is willing to do a seed run for the community then I have plenty to give them for both the seed run and personal and exploration.


As I recall, I got somewhere around 17-21 out of my 100 pack to germinate. I found no keeper male, as I culled any languishing plants.I ended up with 11 good females. I had 2 that were standouts, acrid and not sweet. 1 was burnt rubber, another was in the realm of chemical cleanser. I bred all 11 to a select Chemaloa male, which I created by breeding Chem 4 x my uncirculated heirloom Highland Gold Jarilla de Sinaloa, or Cola de Borrego male.


Bro thank you for that. I have gotten a chemical cleaner sent out some skunks before and tought that’s weird. The blk dom/super skunk. I got outdoors smells like ajax, or comet cleaner. I got one out mr nice shit that smelled the same. I actually bred her to a cowboy kush male…anyway thanks .