Johnny Potseed's Hall of Genetics

No some won’t even hold them 24 hours. There was one place here I’m not gonna say the name but I was trying to order something from them and they canceled my order within 24 hours. I made it clear to them. What a big mistake they have made. Because I buy seeds.


Unless you’re a favorite. I had a place the other day told me they would go ahead and send them to me. Just make the payment when I can. I can’t believe they said that. And they did they actually sent the package before they got the payment.

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I don’t mind holding seeds for people, as long as they let me know what’s up. lol It’s the occasional member that goes for days with no response.


I’ve been very happy with your selections. I’m getting ready to do a new drop. And I will be growing a lot of those feminized seeds. Also got a new light. So I’m very excited.


Ya know cuz, most folks have been pretty good to me here. I appreciate in no small way, the site and members support. There have been a very few only, that’ve not followed through, for whatever reason. Over the 1.5 years I’ve been selling, and learning, lol I’ve streamlined the process gradually, and this is just another step in that direction.


@JohnnyPotseed does momma Frankenstein have an insanely strong almost putrid funk? My little squat bushy girl has started with the most insane funk. Super super strong. It’s like a putrid but pleasant smell. Super hard to explain lol


Yep, lol She can stink up a place fast.


Haaaa! Don’t hold back

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Awesome lol, well except for my carbon scrubber :sweat_smile: I’m not even sure I wanna try to bother with another one. I’ve been thinking about grabbing a small ozone generator.

Sounds like I might of found my keeper out of the first two beans I popped. Not too shabby :v:


Wait until you get close to harvest. The aroma is intoxicating.


I can’t wait man, I was so surprised how quickly it ramped up after the last feed I gave her. I gave her a little stem rub and loved the funk and then 2 days later it just engulfed everything. That funk mixed in with the different aromas from the other ladies it’s quite intoxicating lol


Now and then I post a short history about Frankenstein.
I often get DMs asking what she is, lineage, etc.
Lotta folks know, but also a lot don’t. New members, etc.
In 1998 I started my project/search. I googled world class
‘Top Ten strains’ at that time. I picked 3-4 out of the list to order.
Then I broadened the search to Top 20, picking a few more from the expanded list.
Her lineage is;
White Russian
Sour Diesel
The Pure(Skunk#1)
White Rhino
Hawaiian Snow
then added Maui Wowie
and crossed back with;
White Russian BX1
sour diesel BX1
I took 3.5 years to blend these strains, with literally hundreds of cups, all labeled
and cataloged. Then another 1.5 years to smooth her out to a consistent, stable plant.
I named her that for obvious reasons, lol parts of many to make ‘The One’!
Frankenstein wasn’t bred for commercial use, I bred her out of love for the plant and
as personal/medicinal for the wife and myself in our ailment ridden old age.
All our friends and family got to where that was all they wanted, over any others
I had available. I’d pass out seeds and clones along with selling buddage. They’d take
the buddage back to their home towns/states and she became gradually known across the country. For over 20+yrs now she has been the family ’ smoke everyday’ go to.
I always asked only that no one mention my name, mainly because I wasn’t in a legal state, lol.
So, ladies and gentlemen, I give you Frankenstein! Enjoy…please!


Holding seeds from your inventory? Who’d a thought? Lol. That goes above and beyond customer service bro!
Ya know, the only reason I haven’t ordered from ya on your last three flash/event sales is because I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to make it to town and get you a payment immediately.
Come on people! Follow though. JP has great seeds, great prices, and amazing customer service. Don’t take advantage.


A freakin’ time machine… :+1:
Having fun growing this one.


Time machine? lol It’s only a quarter century. Now ya gotta go n make an old man feel old…er, I mean make a young…ish, man feel old… yeah, that’s it.


LOL , my man! that’s a long time, its about what’s in the heart that counts!


If you look at what I said cuz, that was directed more at the folks who place an order, then don’t communicate with me for days. As long as there is some info exchanged(communication), I don’t mind holding beans for someone.


Just shared the Menu with a couple of my good friends. I’ll be in touch @JohnnyPotseed.
Thanks again, My FrankenStein’s doing Great.


Stents… mostly… :laughing: :+1:

Cheers G


Damn cuz, hate to hear that… glad no stints in my heart, just 3 in each leg! The bad valve in heart that caused me to need them in the legs isn’t gonna be touched as long as it doesn’t get any worse, allowing more ‘backflow’ and low flow pressure than at present.