Johnny Potseed's Hall of Genetics

She Got the Secret sauce last night and Sulpher spray 4 days ago and treated the whole yard.Within 3 to four days it’s going to look like this lady Frankenstein got bit by a werewolf the Bulk is coming.The transformation will be complete.Axiom is an amazing product


Always interested of one’s Secret Sauce. Tell me more.

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Axiom My friend

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Never used it, myself. Seen it around.

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Is the Skywalker strain the same one big Mike is growing ?


Yes it is, he calls it the Gwendolyn’ cut. I hit one of the clones with fem Frankie pollen from @MoBilly

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Sweet it’s one of the strains I bought off you :grinning::grinning:

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I tested your strains outdoors in the rainforest during start of winter . They passed the mould and pest testing. And people loved the smoke of Frankenstein , bloody monster , and a couple of others I wrote down somewhere. Lol look forward to starting them at October. Also buds were super Rockhard. :grinning:


Always glad to hear, when folks enjoy the crosses!

No worries matey. Got about another 10 of your strains to try out as well. I nicknamed one sticky glue because it was a bitch to trim because it was so sticky.


lol which one was that?

A heads up on Gwendolyn. She is decent smoke after a week of drying. But honestly, to get the best out of her, cure it for a couple months. Then, it will make you wanna slap yo’ momma!


What exactly is the HILDA cut?

Just another name used for fem Frankie beans cuz.
I don’t care for it, personally. The beans are Fem Frankie… period!


I just call mine Frankie lol I mean she is the princess but it’s still Frankie.Man o man does she clone easy shoots roots right out the top of the block in 7 days the others took around 10 days.Very good root structure


Must … fight… urge…

DM inbound… i’m weak :joy:


lol I prefer to call it. ‘recognize a good deal when ya see one’ :wink: :crazy_face: :+1:


In the AM my friend.

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Notice to all members placing a request from this BOGO.
There has been a larger number than usual, so the packages will be a bit longer in filling & shipping. There’s only 3 Post Offices within any distance from us, and we can’t take all the orders in the same day! lol So please be patient, I’ll DM each of you when I send.
Thanks to all of you who helped make this the success it was!!


StarShine F2 - SSDD F2 #1 x Starlite

Blueberry meets haze! Pictured here is the (topped) StarShine F1 #2 mom.

And the #1 male:

The F1 is basically my accidental recreation of Blue Dream :sweat_smile: The girls can yield! Nerve pain relief is present in at least half the phenos. Overall line should be more mold/rot resistant that the SSDD F2 BX1 line. Zero intersex traits anywhere. These F2’s should open things up a bit but If you like Blue Dream in any way whatsoever, I would not sleep on these! :heart: