Johnny Potseed's Hall of Genetics

Seeds arrived today :man_farmer: :fire: :canada:


But, lol I do get high for a living! Or stay high to stay living… or something like that!
Here, we smoke from the first thing in the morning to the last thing at night, every day!
That has been the routine for many years, cuz. lol

edit… I think the term for us is ‘functional stoners’…
As we put out the last joint of the day, before heading to bed. We always make sure there’s another rolled and waiting for the first thing in the morning!


That’s loving/living the dream man, I am definitely one of those people that if I’m off work, I like to stay continually pretty stones. Some of my friends just smoke large quantities until it’s gone, me I take a couple hits every 20 minutes and I’m good :+1:


We go through a lot of Ganja here, on a daily basis. Rosin, hash, buddage… any combination of, and on an hourly basis. Not joking!
It’s our pain meds, helping us to be able to function.
In the evening, when we’re done for the day’s ‘things to do’. then we get serious and start blending multiple strains and concentrates, etc

lol Hell, for that matter, if during the day we need more than just a joint to help, we’ll mix up something even then!
Lunchtime might well have for dessert a nice packed bowel with some rosin on top…


That does sound awesome. My one buddy was smoking an ounce a day. Within 15 minutes sometimes I smoked some of a blunt, joint, bong, face-mask bong (usually full of straight keif), dab, and vape. I couldn’t even make sentences for an hour after haha :laughing:. Thats just too much for this guy lol


Mr. @JohnnyPotseed Frankenstein has taken-off on us. Thankfully she was Topped. She’s at the 5th node and all 6 branches have hit the 8-foot mark.
I’m 6’2” with a long arm straight-up


Simply lovely there cuz! lol Now comes the real fun, when she goes into flower mode!


Its happening as we speak Johnny.
Colas are Forming-up.
Support will be the next NEED for sure.
Thanks again @JohnnyPotseed


Thank you for sharing, cuz! Please, keep posting.

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Thats the Sunshine DayDream x Starlite beside me to the Left… she looks kinda picked-over. She was defoliated, and looked a little like Cousin “IT” from the Munsters before we took some Fan leaves


Me and your buddy would get along great. Ppl always say I’m trying to fuck em up but it’s not like I blowin em shotguns lol
I’m a big guy with a big appetite that’s all


Haha there’s a such thing as too high I think. He also smokes so much he claims he ‘cant feel it’. I asked him why he smokes if be can’t feel it then, he just said ‘idk’ :sob:. Meanwhile, I have no tolerance build up at all.
That being said, once I retire it’s going to be balls to the wall haha


I smoke A LOT pretty much constantly smoking/vaping/dabbling something or another. I also consume massive quantities of edibles. Some of my friends think I’m crazy for the dosage of edibles but that’s just what it takes for me. I am a extra large fellow with a high tolerance also have a lot of bad arthritis pain pretty much everywhere all the time and I’d a million times rather get good and gummied up than take pain pills. But that’s one of the many great things about marijuana, no matter how much u take ur not gonna OD. Now u might eat every thing in the house and crash HARD but no serious danger. Everyone just has to figure out their bodies and preferences. Have a good one @Natea


Yeah @GallacreekD66 man that’s cool, I wish I had a way to get vapes because they are so convenient and easy to carry, and 1 hit can do it for me most of the time. Now dabbing is honestly too much for me, plus I think as soon as I do them all the time I would get a higher tolerance to flower. As far edibles go, 50mg and I’m soaring lol. I prefer smoking though, always have. A good bowl and I’m happy :grin:


Great strain name Mic Drop should get that into the vault before there all gone.


List is getting big maken my mouth water was wondering what the flower time is on the Frankenstein

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Hey cuz, the flower cycle on Frankie runs from 8-11 weeks, depending on the buzz you want (more amber trichs for more couchlock)
8 weeks gives you more clear/milky trichs for an up/energetic buzz
we go for about 50% amber, usually around 9-9.5 weeks
The 50% seems to be the sweet spot, where it does whatever you need her to do at the time, get busy or get sleeping! lol


Like a true boy scout! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I actually was in the scouts… for a very short time! lol I got booted out for getting caught with the scoutmaster’s daughter in the baseball dugout… er, not saying WHAT we got caught doin… :scream: :crazy_face: :blush: :+1:


Me too…well not the last part.
Be prepared. :raised_back_of_hand: