Johnny Potseed's Hall of Genetics

Yup they did :grin: they were in those green plastic clone shippers wrapped in a sweater in a box. Customs labeled sweatshirt. They were even stinkin through the box lol. Both times I received the packages with no interception. Maybe it was just lucky or maybe it’s not what they are worried about anymore

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Well hell lol that’s encouraging!

In today’s ‘x-ray world’ of terrorism threats, I wonder if…?
lol in no financial shape to ‘experiment’ to find out though


Yeah, I plan on trying a few more times to say for sure but the future is looking promising :grin:


Just received your fire @JohnnyPotseed. Freaking awesome!!


Hell yeah cuz! Grow On!


Honestly just stating the truth about Hawaiian snow.
I been going Amsterdam since young and That strain wasnt produced or ever seen until 2001-2 at the earliest, and no where near 98 ( that was when Nevil was still around)
I belive Franco ( RIP)or when Franco was around was when the Hawaiian snow was released at the High times Cannabis cup ( i was there that year).

You seem to have dates confused so thought id ask.

On ECSD seeds was curious as thats a long while back and some of the earliest seeds ive heard of ( so thought it might be another seed co ( breeder) but it’s known people find bagseed ECSD seeds so if not a breeder/seed co maybe that.

No hate or trying anything just correcting any info on Hawaiian snow unless your talking about a different Hawaiian snow than Greenhouse seeds


I know for a fact I never bought seeds from Greenhouse. I did business with several seed banks over that way. Dutch Passion, Sensi, The Seedbank of Holland (Neville Schoenmaker’s store), and a few more. Also, as to the dates, lol I bought several strains during the breeding program, to add to the ‘mix’ I was brewing. But the project was started in 1998, that I’m positive on! lol
I know it took me until well into 2003 before I was finished with Frankenstein. A total of just over 5yrs, if my memory serves me right. so actually, into 2004 to finish.


Knowing a little bit about breeding (very little) I can say you don’t just make a stable strain in one grow lol. I’ve read about the real process. Im pretty sure you didn’t get to the end with a stable plant like frankenstien even in a year. Years is more like it. Proof is in the pudding.:peace_symbol:


You’re so very right there cuz! As I said in other posts lol it took me over 3.5 yrs just to get her ‘almost there’ lol then another couple years to smooth her out.

And then around 2011 or so I saw King Tut with over 30%THC! lol I just had to marry her to Frankie, lol. That’s when Frankenstein’s Bride came along. I need to get some more of her growing! I have seeds still, not many though, and certainly not enough to sell.


We were getting diesel back in early 90s it’s just skunk crossed with afghan. All look similar to chem crosses with stretch sativa


Sounds about right cuz. I know SD was around, we were smoking it during the mid '90s. I don’t remember the shop I got them seeds from lol That’s lost in the smoke-filled fog of the long past times.

I’ve bought/traded/received gifted seeds for quite a few decades now. Growing hundreds of strains and thousands of plants. Especially when we were state licensed Medical Marijuana Growers, until this past year when we had to stop growing commercially, due to medical issues. Too many strains to remember or name! lol


All i know is Papalag says its excellent, the Mom i have here is beautiful, and SUPER HEALTHY. Looks like a winner to me, i shall run her for sure!!!


Internet says Sour Diesel first became popular in the early 1990s and has been legendary ever since. my memory we were getting it from trucks so was called diesel because was in spare gas tanks but that’s not how it got the name, sour because the orange hairs sour smell flavor and the diesel gas flavors.


And HE’S RIGHT! lol Not just he will tell you this…

A quick fact for ya cuz, friends and family have smoked Frankie on a daily basis almost for over 20+yrs now. We can have a dozen strains in curing jars and always reach for Frankie first! She always performs!


ill be honest when i post my review of her…

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That’s all that I can ask for cuz. lol If you don’t like her, you’d be the first!

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Can already tell from her growth and pics ive seen here she is all that…spect review will be very good!

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How many generations back on the feminized any hermie traits?

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Any S1 or F1 seeds will have pheno types all over the place. It’s going to be interesting to see just how many express themselves out of these Feminized seeds I’ve been sending out.


Frankenstein is probably one of the most stable strains I’ve ever worked. NO hermies ever!
The beans are first gen cuz, this is gonna be fun for a lot folks!