Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 2)

Tuesday is ‘trash day’ for us lol Sometimes the wife has to run out back and grab it to get to the road cause we forgot
we remember what day it is when we hear the trash truck backup-beep lol


week 5? is it photo or auto? In auto’s they’ll express themselves usually by week 3, in photos, some strains you need to clone first to run a ‘tester’ although some will let you know by putting out pistils or calyx at nodes, usually by week 6-8. In photos, I’d say run a tester no matter what.


HAPPY 61st BIRTHDAY @Greenfingers and I hope that you have a great day and happy growing

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@hollyho where did you get the “auto” seeds?
I just was reading in your journal. I would change the light cycle to 12/12

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lol cuz even though you answered to me instead of @hollyho I was going to but forgot to ask that also, good question! lol
Some ‘autos’ need triggering… since they haven’t been taken to the end-result yet of becoming a true auto lol
I’ve had that complaint a couple of times on here from my buying supposed to be ‘autos’ that turned out to NOT be true ‘auto’
Both times the person I bought them from were ‘nice guys’ but…


I’ve seen that going around too.
They seem to be fast but no auto. Still being called auto though lol


yeah but that kinda screws up the crop schedules


Not to mention making a lot more work for you, if you have a bunch of true autos going under the 18/6 recommended, and you have to use 12/12 to trigger… you better have another room/lights you can use. I run 24/on lights in the veg room, and then to need 12/12 in the bud room where I might be running a lot of true autos at the 18/6. It means using another room to trigger, luckily I have the capabilities for that. A lot of folks don’t
You put them supposed to be autos into the bud room under 18/6,nada, then you gotta pull em out of that room and move them to another room to trigger… then move em back into the 18/6 room. Cause after you trigger, it’s fine. but still, a lot of ‘shouldn’t be’ work involved…

Plus, like I said, it plays hell with any schedule you had going on harvesting, adds a couple of weeks to that batch…


I wasnt aware that after you trigger you go back to 18/6.
I have a bunch of those seeds around


you can, yep cuz. It just screws up the schedule, unless you are already aware of that bit, then you can work with it lol but to find out the hard way isn’t fun


Well that’s good to know.
The wife is mainly an auto grower.
At the moment she has photos everywhere testing for someone

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in the 3 years I was commercial, I ran over 70 crops and over 4000 plants. It required having a tight schedule and keeping it tight, to have that happen, created a 2 week gap and over run on the batches behind them. Pissed me off
Actually, what pissed me off more than anything was the having to find out the hard way, that seeds from a supposed breeder who should KNOW his product, selling them to me as ‘autos’…only to find out they weren’t… That pissed me off the most, the bit of extra work wasn’t too bad lol


Lol 4000 plants.

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I know this because I was looking at the books yesterday and had to do a closeout accounting
It was like 4200+ a few to be exact lol don’t remember the actual number without going to look
1 sec…
4220 total
lol I remembered it was over 4000
You gotta remember cuz lol I was commercial. Hell, there are larger commercial grower with more than that in a single crop! We were just a small ‘mom-n-pop’ op called ‘craft grower’ doing small batch, top shelf, organic


It would be cool to see it.
Illegal here so the most plants I’ve ever seen at one time are mine lol


No longer commercial here, but staying legal with the 24 plants we’re allowed having medical cards for both of us (the wife and myself)


We have 20 but 10 are testers. We normally dont have that many. We grow for us so I have no need for that many. I’m lucky i have the room but it will be packed


One thing about here is since no longer commercial, we have a LOT of extra space lol not using anywhere near as many lights, nutes, soils, water, etc but still in them big rooms in the barn


We use a spare bedroom. I dont expect Texas to go legal any time soon


Post deleted for security reasons lol

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