Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 3)

I understand that Kingfisher deal was Chinese nationals that got killed. The Chinese people are buying up land in Oklahoma to run cannabis farms. Cheapish land. Laws are less stringent, as of now (but that’s fixing ta change)
I’m actually surprised it has not happened a lot sooner. It all about the money.


Hey there cuz, been a minute. How’s it growing for ya? I agree with that 100%! lol even my number one son calls in advance lol


Guy my buddy knows did security in Mendocino on outdoor stuff. He left brass and Mexi porn here and there. Folks see that and think cartel. Pretty simple.

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Oklahoma has become the number one state supplying Ganja to the rest of the country. It’s open season on folks with grows


What I don’t get is why the state would display the name of the company and their address on the internet for all to see. What do they expect to happen when criminals are handed the information?


Yeah that was one messed up thing I didn’t like. Our business name and addy is still up on the list too. Even though we’re no longer licensed…


It’s one of the reasons I told Rob no to a commercial license……


I know it has been a while brother …
I try to Interact lol
One of the first good men I met on here !
It’s growing bro don’t be afraid to stop by the thread !


seems to me that just growing a lil bit to distribute without a liscence might be the way to go to cover the cost of a small grow apparently a fine is all you get if caught nowadays shruggs


Yeah my wife and I discussed the possibility of doing this commercially and uh, nope. I’m happy as a pig in sh*t growing for us in relative quiet. My heart will be happy if I never need see another automatic weapon. lol


I have cuz lol i have… just not of late. I’ve just been too messed up to do much of anything. But I’ll drop by soon!

Post the link to your latest please? never mind I found ya! lol


After my Apollo Ape fiasco, im always nervous about power outage’s and heaters going south.

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No worries !
I know how it gets !
I’m glad to see you back in action leaving the station and chugging down the tracks again!
I see you’re a busy man …alot going on for your age wouldn’t you say🤪
Stay Warm


be 74 in a month lol I’m trying cuz is about it for me

I enjoy growing, always have my entire life. Growing ganja is about all I do anymore lol and will continue until they take my scissors outta my stone cold hands


Always catch me hanging out with the older folks …
They know more some times they…know it all haha
You sir are kicking ass in my opinion

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Well I do thank you for the kind words! I’ve invested my entire life to this plant. If I couldn’t grow… (not going there! lol)

I do mean ‘my entire life’ lol I was born and raised on a ganja farm, as you know I’ve said awhile back, my grampa grew/smoked/sold until the day he passed at 92 yrs old. Started helping him and my pops & uncle at the ripe old age of 3 lol running alongside gramps in the ganja field


"Say no more "

Watching snowpile up …the thick stuff
Debating whether or not to snowblow now and then some tomorrow am…suppose to be a dooozie

When I was 17 about 12 years or so I used to to hang out with this older fella and come to think of it he was so updated for his time he had the pure ruderalis he had low rider and the early forms of autos was making butane hash had a bunch of seeds really pure strains too I wonder how he’s doing come to think of it

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The temps are right for some snow around here. There’s a couple of days in the teens and slight chance of dusting on Xmas and also on this coming Monday
But we don’t have any… yet! lol


Sounds like he was on the ‘front’ of the auto movement, or close to it!

lol I didn’t start messing with autos until last year, but i like what I’ve found out since then.
They’ve come a long way since that lowryder

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I drove a portable generator 400 miles when my friends lost power and were told a week. None available locally. They called me and had one next day when I arrived.

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