Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 3)

By all accounts she should have been done at 8 weeks. I let her go 10, and I really think if I had her tied up properly, she coulda gone another week.
That’s 70 days from flip to 12/12. Dam good reefer tho.


Here’s a pic for you. Skywalker buds sitting next to a pile of her hash.


I neverlet a day go by, without thanking her and letting her know just how much I appreciate all she does! Also, how much I love her!
Every day at ‘the end of day talks’ she asks my opinion, and we discuss what/how to go forwards with the grow. As well as what’s going on in it at the moment.

We’ve been side-by-side partners for 40yrs now. 24/7 together, in everything we do/done all those years, no matter what it was. She’s my best friend, my business partner, my love, my life, my wife, the mother of my children, and always an integral part of anything I’ve done.


Nice!! Really nice!!
:green_heart: :orange_heart: :yellow_heart:
:purple_heart: :brown_heart:


I needed some soil for my garden so I called my go to hydro shop, they’re going out of business😭 I asked what he had left 2 bags of Happy Frog and a few of Mother Earth. He said everything in the store was at cost. I may stock up on some things.


I hear ya cuz! Best to take advantage of that while the getting is good huh? lol


Onto another note lol we get outta the bed, Rose makes it back up and then…lol you see what happens. The bed becomes the pets! All of them(3 big dogs and 1 tiny cat) like to get on it, so Rose puts an old quilt over everything to protect it. The bed is a queen, for size perspective

Hey @BigMike55 lol recognize the quilt there cuz?
I told you, that has become one of my favs! lol It only comes off the bed to be washed


I have to say your relationship is one to aspire to @JohnnyPotseed !

Love reading about the island sweet skunk and skywalker

My bed resembles that :joy:


Damn beautiful!! Cat has all respect!! Wow!!!

The quilt is indeed nice!! :yellow_heart: Yes @BigMike55!!!

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lol what is it about folks beds, and the pets wanting onto them?

What I said there is an understatement cuz! We have something that is rare, I know. How many folks can say they’re always together, without problems, all day every day, for that long?! 40 yrs now

Don’t get me wrong here, there have been misunderstandings or disagreements. But they were always minor, and short lived. Sometimes she’s right, and I tell her that, sometimes I’m right and she does the same. Then we move on in harmony!


That quilt was gifted to me by @BigMike55 and his boss-lady…er, I mean his wife! lol I love it
The one with the stars lol not the ‘over quilt’ that one is old.
She makes em by hand, and they’re really nice!


First thing which drew my eyes to it! I knew you meant that one!!
Congrats Mrs. @BigMike55’s wife!! Beautiful!!


That’s so cool all of them chilling out together on their bed.
Nice quilts are hard to come by, it’s a beauty


lol That’s our bed they took over!


I liked @JohnnyPotseed ’s so much, I had zee build me one just like it.

Just so you know she really does do good work. Here’s the one on my bed.


Oh man cuz lol that IS nice! Also glad ya liked that one so much you had her do up another lol
I see she did the colors different, but hey lol it still looks damn good, even with the color shifts!


Wow, that bottom one! Out of curiosity, how many hours does such a quilt take?

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@BigMike55 would have to weigh in on that question cuz, I honestly couldn’t even begin to guess.


I would be surprised on that quilt, if she didn’t have at least 80 hours in it. I know the red, white, and blue one took about 50 hours each to make. That’s cutting all the pieces, sewing them all together layering the quilt, actually quilting it, then it has to have a bindinding to keep it all together. More tonight than one would think.


Damn! ok, now I’m even more impressed with this one that y’all so generously gifted me! Love it cuz, it is permanent fixture on my bed lol
And the best part? every single time I look at/see it, I think of you and your wife, and thank you again!