Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 3)

I’ve always been a kinda ‘breakfast type of guy’ lol Rose can sometimes make a breakfast for dinner and I’m fine with that!


Breakfast for dinner happens almost once a week around here. Most cuz it’s just easy, lol.


Happens here because a good breakfast is my favorite meal lol


Time doesn’t matter to me. I can get up and eat a leftover hamburger, drink a cup of coffee and I’m out the door to chores with a full belly.
If my wife brings me a plate of B&G for supper I’m fine as frogs hair split five ways. To me, food is fuel. I like good food but it doesn’t matter what time of day. lol


Ok folks lol just recently someone mentioned having auto LSD beans, I didn’t say anything since I thought I already had some… Apparently I don’t, Damn it! Anyone know what OGer it is/was?

Wasn’t it Grouchy?

nope cuz not the one

I have some BOG LSD F2s from @smokenhike I can send you JP no worries brother :grin:

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He’s looking for autos.

Thnx cuz, I have too many photo as is though lol I appreciate you
I don’t think BOG messed with autos, did he?

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As far as I know he did not.
The only lsd autos I’ve ever seen were from coastal mary and I’m pretty sure it was made with barneys farm lsd…


I found some lsd auto on strainly. Sorry can’t help, none of those in the stash.

Yep, barney’s Farm supposedly made the original cross, and now some number of seedbanks sell it, both in EU and here in North America. I’m not in shape to buy lol I’d rather trade, or do without.

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I just got some guava gelato freebies if you want them, 3/auto/fem

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Honestly have more seeds than I could ever grow in my lifetime cuz lol I just have a few projects I want to do, using LSD is one. I have some Gelato crosses already, thnx though

Actually, I’ve had/grown straight Gelato several times, nothing wrong with it, I just wanted the straight LSD for my project


I figured that was the case but wanted to throw it out there. Good luck on your search!

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If memory serves, I think @Greenfingers was running LSD or maybe it was an LSD cross.


I think I have a deal going with someone thnx cuz


Think I might be able to hit the sack early…ish lol
Goodnight OG!


Good morning OG…

Well…finally got covid. Good times.