Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 3)

lol No fish cuz
I’ll eat cold fried chicken for breakfast in a heartbeat!


Me Too Johnny. Its primal and delish


The wife made a big pan of Shepherd’s Pie, with just the two of us there’s almost always leftovers lol you know how it is… a little of this and a little of that becomes a big dish. It’s hard to make something like that for just two people! I had some of that warmed in the oven for my breakfast this morning! lol


I’ve just Downed all my Likes first thing this morning. Still Hungry.


Mmm, Shepard’s pie!
If I wasn’t already starting a roast in this crock pot right now, I’d be making that tonight.
I think I’m hungry…


lol I actually started to take a pic of it to share, when she made it last night! It is as good as it looks!
With the chopped scallions and bacon bits sprinkled across the top and shredded cheese in the mashed potatoes


What’s in yours?

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Ground up hamburger, super thick gravy, various veggies, then the mashed potato layer on top with the garnish. Baked to a golden brown top

the trick is to have the gravy really thick so it holds everything together and doesn’t blend, but stays in 2 layers


Dang y’all! Now I gotta get done out here so I can get some breakfast. Your making me hoooongryyy!


Ours is about the same. Green beans, carrots, and corn mixed in with the cooked meat and gravy, topped with mashed taters.
Been mixing smoked provolone into the taters lately. Then cheese on top. Can’t have to much cheese, lol.


We use a cheese that one of the local grocery stores has around here, smoked cheddar and baby swiss combined. That stuff is addictive!


Oo. Sounds good. Cheese should be it’s own food group. I live in cow country. Lots dairy cows around here, and few major cheese factories. A lot of the nation cheese is relabeled and shipped from here.

Gtg for a bit. Got a long phonecall to make. Grrr

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Sounds like Substrate-prep


Now we’re talking!


We go to a real butcher shop out here in the country, pick out a nice chuck roast and they grind it up for you right then.
All their beef is aged before they put it in the display for sale


Ugh, on hold. Of course…
I got a pretty big sirloin roast goin. Got a big box of meat for Christmas from my boss. All came from our local packer too. I usually only buy a chuck roast. Either way, this things gonna fall apart with a spoon by the time it’s done.


You lost me with grits :grimacing:

If you ever met a piece of pork roll you would never mention a ham steak again!

Happy morning folks. I slept in for the first time in years today.


lol pork roll is ok, but it can’t hold up against a good thick slice of ham steak!

processed meat versus solid meat? naw lol


Yeah, our little country packed is the one where you have the live cows go in the back door and meat come packaged out the front. They do a great job supporting the community as well. They process almost all of the 4H and FFA livestock. I swear, after the county fair, you can’t get anything processed for at least nine months, lol.

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Damn, you just reminded me. I think I have a bunch of ham steaks from last years pig buried somewhere in my chest freezer downstairs.