Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 3)

85? That def sounds like the culprit, cuz. To insure I get some boys I have to throw things ‘off’ in the veg room, and turn up the heat. lol That’s IF I want some boys

I sometimes let the room get as low as the mid 60s


I know a lot of folks that grow, are ‘stealth’ growers, using tents, small rooms or closets. That can make it very hard to control temps. With this bigass barn I have, I’ve put an oversized AC in each room to better control temps. That way they don’t get over worked and can handle the load during summer high temps.
For temp control in winter, I’ve got an oil-filled radiator heater in each room.


I was gonna say.
What about shrinkage?


That sounds like the reason why I had so many girls last year. I started everything in February when the temps were still on the cooler side. That will be my start time again this year. Thanks Johnny, nothing can replace your experience and knowledge of cannabis. Im smarter today because of you.:green_heart:


No problem cuz, I always try to help lol sometimes folks use some part of what I say, and I’m always willing & glad to ‘talk Ganja’!


That is helpful to know, thanks. I might need a smaller heater, it’s lowest setting makes it 75 at its coldest. Maybe something with better climate control if I can swing it


I have a mini-oil type heater that does a great job. I built a mini “lung box” out of scrap plywood and have a duct booster pulling the hot air from it into 2 of my tents.


Lol very nice cuz! They say necessity is the mother of ingenuity, or something along those lines.
That’s a good way to supply both rooms!


Oh yeah, I remember seeing that post. I might even have an oil heater, I wonder if that would work better on it’s lowest setting of heat. Thanks :+1:


I use an oil heater out in my shed for my vegging plants. I like it pretty good. Depends on how cold it gets and how airtight your place is. When we got that big blast a couple weeks ago, it kept it warm enuff to keep the plants alive. But I had a bit of water left over in a five gallon bucket and that water was frozen. It was RELATIVELY warmer in the shed than outside tho. And it hardly ever gets THAT cold here in Oklahoma.


This one is rated up to 750w. I run at 45% and because of the constant airflow it’s always active but never too hot for the plants.

Making the box means I don’t have to stress about the heater being IN with the plants creating a hotspot; and I get 2 tents to use it’s heat versus just one!


Good morning JP. Good morning everyone.
So glad the seed temperature male/female conversation was just repeated here. I don’t know to go find it now🤣


Same here Mike, I watered and the run off froze. I had to do some sealing up on the closet’s to keep the heat in. The floors are just decking so there’s small gaps between floorboards. It’s funny that I never have bugs in either closet when the floor is obviously a way in. Ive only had mites once and they came in on a clone a few years ago.


Okay this is in the house should work pretty well then.

Yeah @Pigeonman I have very little extra room so I may try it in the tent first, couldn’t be worse than the blower heater in it now. If I ever get 2 tents though, I am for sure copying your idea


Now, I don’t put the heater inside the tent. It is outside the tent and set at 65 degrees. I think the exhaust fan does a decent job of pulling warm air into the tent without crisping the leaves or taking up lighted floor space.


That’s the only drag is the space my heaters take up, I could do another one in the flower closet without the heater, or two without the tower fan.

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Ya know, with my setup being rather expansive, I sometimes forget there are other folks that want to grow (and do) in limited space conditions. For whatever reason, security, etc. That makes for troubles in something like temp control. To overcome the problems ran into, people can get rather ingenious with their solutions, and I applaud every effort that works in overcoming the problems/pitfalls of ‘stealth’ growing!

I’ve never rented anywhere, always owned. Whenever we got a new place, I’d either build a shed large enough to house a couple grow rooms for veg & flower, Or convert a couple regular rooms in the place for growing. I moved from outdoor growing to indoors when the wife was pregnant with out first son, in the winter of 84, and never looked back lol

The first order of ‘business’ was always to line the walls and ceiling with the double Mylar infra-red blocking space blanket


My 4x4 is in a 6x10 cheap metal shed. I used 1 1/2" hard insulation. I heat the shed. My dehum is outside the tent too. Works pretty good for me keeping minimal temp and humidity swings.


I mean if you start out with enough even shrunken life’s good :sunglasses:


Plant is male female within 5 days of breaking ground, no way to change it. I was shocked too when i found this out, i use to do all manner of things to sway M/F count. I now realize it was all bro science. Coty’s can be pulled and plant sex is already determined. Just fact, . NOT trying to start anything just reading the htread and saw you say something about swaying the ratio.