Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 3)

I have always heard that Warmer temps fool the seeds into thinking it is prime pollination season and they need to hurry up and produce the pollen to make seeds, so that tends to produce higher male ratios. Cold makes the seeds think they are in winter and have a long growing season ahead of them and produces higher female ratios. IDK if its bro science, but when my temps are in the 60’s I do feel that I get higher ratios of females.


Maybe i said it wrong…and maybe he is correct. What i meant to say is there is no swaying the ratio once they have sprouted. MAYBE during germ certain conditions could influence sex??? How could you possibly test that ?


Testing would require growing large population of seeds in differing temperature ranges and observing the M/F ratios.


Everyone is entitled to believe as they will cuz. Like I’ve said, take it leave it on anything I say, or only part of it, up to you. lol
All I say is, the proof is in the pudding.


We cool man…after i wrote it i thought about it…temps, ph, humidity could affect M/F


So I have a question.
Are you saying that seeds have no sex and that environment factors determine the males and females?


Not been proved yet that i have seen . @BigMike55


Like this?
BTW, these pics don’t even begin to tell you how many times my rooms have looked like this or even more packed. lol Try literally thousands of plants, and decades of em.

these don’t even scratch the surface…


No, I’m saying that marijuana seeds have both female and male simultaneously. They’ll be what they will, but you can help tip the odds in your favor.

edit…Seeds have both sex chromosomes, as they grow the stronger will become dominant. By the 6 week usually, the sex is locked in. Some strains will be longer to determine, some shorter.
There’s a lot of interesting reading on the subject, if anyone is interested. Just search online, to find a LOT of articles…Maybe you’ll take the word of diploma bearing experts? Especially on the subject of how the environment can help determine the sex outcome of marijuana seeds.


Here’s just one of many I see when googling it
First line, in bold…
Both genetics and environment play a role in the determination of the sex of a cannabis plant


Look at all that hard work.
Full time job for sure!
We appreciate it. :slight_smile:


Nothing hard about typing in a few words to see a load of articles, by Scientists,and researchers, on the subject.

lol but hey, what do I know? I just grow and smoke it… for many decades now, in very large numbers. Oh, lol I also happen to do a lot of research and reading, just studying this plant. Trying to help make it better.


The pics silly. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes Sir! Those are great pics. I have some nice pics but… discretion and Valor and what not :sweat_smile:


Those were all legal cuz. In some of the pics, you can see the RFID tags. In other pics, the labels were on the sides of pots.
They were taken while we were a state licensed commercial grow op. Like you said though lol, I have other pics that won’t be shared. Even though I believe the Statute of Limitations is expired lol


Was not doubting you at all.
I guess I just assumed that the sex is determined when the seed is being made. Not weeks after germination.
I thought we were just waiting for the plant to show us what was already determined even before germination.


No cuz,. I was addressing @Jetdro with most of the posting lol
I did answer some of your questions, also, interspersed lol so I can see where you mighta thought it was to you


Please don’t listen to everything you hear on here cuz lol not from me or anyone else. Just do a bit of research for yourself and then make your decisions. It isn’t ‘bro science’ lol I’m not the ‘expert’ I’m just quoting them. Also testifying to what I’ve found to be true after going with what I found from REAL scientists & researchers, done under lab conditions etc


A lot of people actually know different true things, and I don’t think anybody is being malicious or purposefully deceitful when they make false statements. For whatever reason, they may even believe what they say. The one thing I’ve found to be true, is, for whatever reason, there is a lot of partial, or complete, untruth online! lol


Funny how that is…