Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 3)

Good morning Johnny, good morning OG’s. Let’s have a good Tuesday.:peace_symbol:


Good morning @Greenfingers
Everyone have a great day!


Good morning and good night!


Good morning @JohnnyPotseed @Greenfingers @buck90 @blowdout2269 & all the other OGers who are too lazy to be up right now! :laughing:


Holy Mangoes!! A Powerhouse!! Wow!!
Awesome pics!! @JohnnyPotseed You rock!!
Ai, ai, ai!! :flushed: :sunglasses: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
:v: :man_farmer: :woman_farmer: And Mrs. Potseed!! Amazing!!

Good morning everyone!!
Great week to all!!


Good Morning OG!


Is that a 1000W? It looks like the Sun Systems 1000W I have that I’ve never had occasion to use yet no one wants to buy.

Also pretty interesting about the seeds/sex thing. I didn’t realize it was variable up until 6 weeks or that it could possibly be influenced but that awesome.

Morning OG!


I found the 600watt to give the most bang for your buck cuz, I had 10-12 600watt going, sometimes 3-4 more, If you check em out, you’ll see what I mean. I tried all of them to verify this for myself lol.
The Sun System was just one of the brand I bought/tried.

lol old pic also, I’ve gone over to the LED side now

“no one wants to buy.”
IKR lol I still have 5-6 I can’t move, Give-away prices don’t even do it.


Morning everyone! Another grey day… I’m grateful for the whole 3 days of sun we had… :crazy_face:


Morning Freakazoids.
Everyone have a gorgeous day.


This particular article reads more like an apology/explanation of why their customers are finding hermies than real science… there’s no references other than their own blog, and one link to a 2004 study that mentions (in the free sample section - not sure if Sensi even read more of it than the free sample themselves, based on this?) that “Microscopic analysis of male and female apices revealed that their reproductive commitment may occur as soon as the leaves of the fourth node emerge; the genetic expression of male and female apices at this stage has been compared by cDNA-AFLP. A rapid method for the early sex discrimination has been developed, based on the PCR amplification of a male-specific SCAR marker directly from a tissue fragment.” Keep in mind that this is based on observations and technology from 2004. Maybe now it’s possible a little earlier, like as soon as the cotyledons pop out - like Farmer Freeman, etc. are saying when they offer sex testing.

I’ve read a lot about seedlings changing gender based on environmental factors and it all appears to be hearsay and assumption, other than the simple fact that they can herm if stressed. I’m not saying it’s impossible for cannabis plants to do this - it’s well-known that some species of plants do, and for that matter some species of animals do as well - but I’ve still seen no evidence that they do. Do you know if there is any? Could you link it if so?

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good morning Johnny & OG, glad to see the sale of Frankenstein fems went so well! got a question, about how long is everyone running the Frankenstein from 12/12? im about 50 days in and looks to need another 20 im guessing. biggest pistils ive seen on anything i have grown so far!


I’ve taken the two I’ve run to 10 weeks and I’ve been happy with the smoke so far. Gonna try a sample of some taken at 8.5 next weekend to see if that treats me better. Somewhere around 8-10 weeks seems to be the consensus, I think I remember Johnny said he runs his to 8.5 or 9?


Understand but it’s not weeks of growing before sex is determined it is days like 3 to 5 is all it takes THEN sex has already been determined .

I can sex test my plants at 4 days old and 100 % KNOW SEX Just fact .


In humans, all embryos start off as female until androgens offset the maternal estrogens and maleness occurs. The farmers almanac and a few other horticultural books I have may be wrong for implying that seeds similarly react to their environmental cues, and maybe the scientific studies that they reference and are readily available and at the top of Google search results are wrong too, but it seems that Schaffner’s conclusion that sex in hemp is non-Mendelian in nature and is under
the control of environmental factors does concur with many other growers observations.


Good morning JP. Good morning everyone!

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lol Man, has this topic opened a discussion. There’s different schools of thought on it, I’m aware. Also there’s probably articles by people on both sides of the issue.
I propose we agree to disagree, lol
I’m in no mood to go searching the net again this morning, to prove or disprove. I suggest folks, just do research and also experiment, to find out for themselves.


Frankenstein can be ready anytime from 8-10 weeks. It’s totally dependent on type of buzz you want. The longer it goes, the more ‘couch-lock’ the buzz…


Since you didn’t bother actually linking any evidence but just sarcastically told me you have plenty, I took the liberty of searching. Is this the Schaffner study you’re referencing? The one that was written working with 1929 technology, uses sample sizes of ~100 plants, doesn’t control anything except lighting, and notably, ends with this paragraph?

  1. Although the development and expression of sex in hemp are affected by
    environmental factors, the changes produced are in many cases relatively minor
    ones, and a sweeping conclusion that genetic factors are in no way concerned
    with sex in this species is not warranted at the present time.

edit: Ok, this guy just references Schaffner. I can’t find anything by Schaffner available. Maybe I have to buy his whole book. No value to this study, but I don’t see any value to someone trying to present evidence that they don’t have available either, so we’re still arguing about what shadows look like in the darkness.

morning everyone