Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 3)

Now, where is that fncking popcorn bowl when you need it???


But I don’t have thirty years left to do experiments!!! How about I just believe the guy that had that time and did those experiments already.


Johnny has run a grow op, and I have pics on my IG of the clone room I ran for 5 years… just 10K clones a day and constant hunting of 500-seed lots… but we definitely had hard data showing certain tendencies, and successfully used that data to steer our ratios. Maybe we were delusional and misinterpreted our data :sweat_smile:
Alternatively, like Johnny mentioned above: A lot of people actually know different true things.


lol I don’t mind if anyone agrees or disagrees with anything I say. That’s every person’s right. All I say is, let’s keep it friendly folks!


Alternatively, maybe you aren’t telling the absolute truth but only the truth as you know it - in other words, there would be plenty of details missing from your experimental data, even if it actually existed. That’s the point of peer-reviewed studies in actual science. I believe that you both believe you’re right, but do I believe you and Johnny are perfect? Hell no.

Apropos of absolutely nothing, did everyone know that it requires approximately 26,000 tests to determine that a flipped coin has 51/49 odds as opposed to 50/50? And even then, there’s a 5% margin of error.

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I totally agree with ya cuz! In fact, lol I know I’m not perfect! Everyone make mistakes, that’s why they put erasers on pencils

Also why I say, let’s just agree to disagree, and keep it a friendly discussion.


For any topic, you can almost always find at least 2 schools of thought. You can also usually find data supporting both sides of anything as well.
That’s also why I say do your own testing of any theory, and go with what your findings tell you. If it works for you as the one doing the growing, then that’s all ya need!


Well said.


thats a fact take for instance the corona virus and/or global warming…er…climate change


If I might intercede here with some experience in plant physiology, I would just say that both Johnny’s and Cormoran’s views can be supported. (Not trying to straddle the fence here, but it’s true!)

As you look across the genome of any cultivar or phenotype, you find both dominant and recessive genes. Dominant genes are just that…they’re pretty straight forward and expressive.

Recessive genes are a whole different animal…they range in their expressive strength and can often be VERY DEPENDENT on environmental factors. Heat, photoperiod, pH, moisture content, nutrient availability, RH, and insect or disease stress can have significant impact on their expession.

Considering the tremendous amount of breeding in Cannabis over the last 60+ years, it’s safe to bet that recessive genes have been spread around extensively!! It’s highly possible that you could make some very ligitimate observations based on the phenotypes you’ve worked with and your ‘specific’ grow inputs.

I believe it’s always worth considering obervations of others, and comparing with your own observations…just remember those ‘recessive’ genes are always lurking in the background !!

Just my 2 cents…


So this interested me to no end as like I had posted earlier I have practice bro Science on trying to sway male female ratios for decades.

So I decided to call someone who actually knows and I talked to Jackson at Farmer Freeman here is the truth.

Genetically speaking DNA once the seed is formed it has already predetermined its sex yes that’s what I said they can actually tell you from a seed whether it’s male or female. Why he is able to tell from a cotyledon or a tiny bit of the first leave what sex the plant is.

When asked about influencing the male female ratio with pH temperature soil any other outside intervention what he says is the sex cannot be changed or swayed. you can however by manipulation of the environment force a male DNA plant to throw flowers and force a female to make pollen. Of course we all know this. but according to science actually changing a scene from male to female is not possible. I use bro science when there’s no real science but this is the real science fact is the seed has already determined what it’s going to be and from the first set of plant material they can tell you which sex that is


lol ok so every article by any researchers& scientists I’ve read on the subject are wrong?! If that’s the case, can you please tell me why I have over 90% female in ALL of my seedlings? I did not have that before I changed the environment, period.
I say the proof is in the pudding.

Like I said earlier. I think we need to agree to disagree, and drop the subject. It’s obvious there’s a dead horse being beat I & others,share one school of thought, and others have theirs, we all grow, and love, the ganja. So lets concentrate on that common ground, shall we? There’s a lot of different methods in growing that folks use. Whatever works for any grower is the method they should use.

I say this because it’s obvious I’m not going to be swayed by anyone saying otherwise, and it looks like I’m not going to sway other’s ideas on this.

lol oh one more thought and I’m done. Doing what I do to help tip the ratios, doesn’t hurt any plants. So I’m going to keep on keeping on with what I feel is a good method.


Well hell lol it’s looking like I might actually get some rest tonight. I’m having an unusually good evening, without much pain! Maybe the 7-8 joints, 3 bowl packs of hash, and another couple bowls of rosin had a little bit to do with it. lol
That’s since round 7PM
pretty much smoked like a burnt out diesel!
Higher than a Georgia Pine atm
:scream: :wink: :crazy_face: :rofl: :+1:


Good Morning OG!
Goodnight OG1


Good night and good morning Johnny!
I hope everyone else is having a good evening/good morning as well. :smiley:


G night and mornin y’all. :laughing:


How ya doin tonight/this morning @crownpoodle ?

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Morning OG. Goodnight OG. Conscious. Unconscious. Repeat. My missus would tell me to add “minimize sarcasm”.


Oo, burn. I always tell my wife that my sarcasm is one of my best character traits.


@blowdout2269 I’ll be better when the bootleg gummies off the rez kick in. Actually had a great day yesterday in general.