Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 3)

Did i read that correct… joisey…I’m from New Joisey but I don’t like the high taxes n cannabis laws. I would’ve left years ago for Maine if my grandmother would’ve accepted my offer to come with me n the girls. So I’m dug in here lol. One day maybe.
Also, Good Morning OG!


Almost forgot to swing by to say good morning today. I got some kind of sinus infection going on here so I’m a little out of sorts. Good morning everybody!


lol Having been all over NJ and even had an old lady from there, I spelled it the way it’s pronounced there… so yep, lol ya read it right cuz.


Seems this is where I say “good morning” OG. Coffee and a cone to start my day.


That’s awesome! I mean It really depends on who ya ask. I got a few, eh maybe 1 friend that likes it here. And a bunch that don’t.
Definitely cool though that there’s others from here.
I do a bunch of sport/target/comp shooting and this isn’t the state for any of my hobbies lol.


Did a lot of contract work there, also spent a lot of time recreational, planted a lot of Ganja there also lol picked up an old lady(who lasted for a few months lol) and partied a lot. Trenton to Atlantic City, and all points in between.
Didn’t care for winter there but summer was nice lol
Talking '70s


Being originally from the Philly area and a brother living in South Jersey I have spent a lot of time in Jersey. Lived there a few times myself. You can keep Trenton and all points North of there. Have fished that whole coast on charter boats and my brothers boat. There is a lot of spots to grow there but mostly sandy soil. In all a good place to visit but I will never live there again…….


Yea summers are getting hotter it feels here. And the winters are cold [not like northern US] but I never really get any snow. I love winter but only if there is snow. Got a old farm truck my grandfather slapped together for me to buzz around in through the fields when I was about 8 or 9 that still runs like a champ. Then the Atv and snowmobile, but the snowmobile doesn’t get much use cuz there’s no snow ever.
Took it up to Ontario one year, [we used to go twice a year summer n winter for fishing] got to run it across some frozen lakes, that was blast


I’m actually where I wanted to be for the last part of my life. Oklahoma! The wife wants to get back to the east coast, and I agreed in an effort to make her happy, even though I don’t want to leave here lol Now with all this medical crap hitting me, I may end up staying here instead of a move. Which makes her unhappy, but suits the hell outta me!
She can(and probably will!) move after I’m gone!


Good morning JP. Good morning everyone.
I see everyone has the extra strength coffee this morning!


lol it wasn’t the coffee cuz, which IS strong & black lol it’s the Joint of Frankenstein!
gotta get out the door to the doc’s office in a few
7 days as of today, and 3 doc appointments

I gotta play their silly ass games while they milk my conditions for all the money they can get outta it. Instead of just going on and taking the damn leg, fitting me with a prosthetic (or even a pegleg) and getting the hell outta my way. At least I’d be mobile again to a point.
I think the right leg is gonna make it, time will tell


Yea I’m very sorry to hear about the medical issues.
A few years back My fiancee was offered a decent job but we would’ve had to relocate to Maine. My grandmother likes it here and her only wishes are to stay here, in her/our house. No nursing homes. And that when the time comes, she wants to pass in this house. So I will fully honor her wishes. I don’t blame her though, Nan n Pop bought this place for 6k back in the 60s. This was the first and only house that they actually owned. It’s kind of where they’ve always been and where they planted their roots. Really it’s not all that bad here but like I mentioned in a previous post, it’s not a state that is a good choice for literally any of my hobbies. So in time we shall see what happens with where I end up lol.


I understand that completely. They drag their feet and milk every last bit they possibly can from ya. I see it with Nan n her medical stuff. They’re trying to do it to me now too lol. I broke my right foot and three toes a little over a month ago… they put me in a boot even though I told them to cast it. No cast. Go figure it isn’t healing right so then they got me into physical therapy. Just the other day before I left to go home after the session was over the one lady was saying that they might have to rebreak it. Its like come on people… I told y’all just to put it in a cast in the first place and that the boot probably wasn’t going to cut it lol


Ok good folks, I’m out the door to the doc to hear what they want to do now, which isn’t what i want to hear but it’s their game, I’m just another player.


Good luck JP, and have yourself a great day.
Enjoyed chatting with ya this morning.


Good luck with your appointment!


@JohnnyPotseed I knew these would look even better in person👍


You do nice work @CADMAN , I was showing my wife a picture of the grape punch card. I can’t wait to get it with some grape punch seeds.


Back from the Doc, still alive! lol Those cards will be for the Feminized Frankenstein seeds I’ll be offering in about a month, hopefully. lol


Let me know when you’re making them available

Will there be fem crosses as well ?