Mites,Thrips, Aphids 'one-n-done' with pics

Well it finally happened… I have aphids and spider mites. Shortly after cleaning and reworking all of my tents I started finding aphids. Hosing the plants off, adding ladybugs and staying on top of the aphids mostly worked. Once most of the lady bugs were dead or gone I started using a dr bronners soap spray to the regiment. Well, I then found spider mites. So I started in with the Captain Jacks dead bug spray regiment on some of the tents on anything that was in veg or under 3 weeks of flower. A few of the tents had low numbers of aphids and a lot of baby lady bugs so I haven’t sprayed it with captain jacks.

I feel like need something like the @JohnnyPotseed spray outlined here. I need to be sure I have killed these fuckers. I have seen no webs but i see spider mites with jewelers loop on some leaves and i see the damage. I have a plant in flower that is at 6 weeks and it seems it has been ignored by the aphids thus far. I dont feel good about spraying it with anything at this point and I am hoping for the best. I have 4 other plants that are all just under 3 weeks into flower.

I did the math and the ingredients outlined above do make an insane amount of the concentrate. It was gona take longer to get the larger bottles so I used a recipe converter to reduce and figure out the small amounts to buy on amazon and get by tomorrow. If anyone is interested I can share the stuff I found. I already had food grade citric acid in large quantities (used for gummies and cleaning coffee makers).

I am now really feeling the pain of having so many plants, quite the chore to battle bugs on so many. I have already composted a few and I think I am gona have to make some tough decisions on what else to let go for now and hope seed back ups work if I want to bring them back.