Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

off topic lol 107 heat index

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@JohnnyPotseed that 4-5 wasn’t last night, but I had actually
Le recently. I’ve got to watch a bit of Tour de France. Not a bike rider, but find it interesting. What’s with the assholes throwing tacks and shit on the road? Lots of "curious " stuff on in the middle of the night. Sometimes when I haven’t slept, but had eaten a good shot of edibles, my 1st morning smoke seems to light the THC back up.
Doesn’t always work, but sometimes 3 or 4 bongs loaded with fresh dry sift. I have to try. When I’m out, I’m out pretty hard. I cannap on the floor in a crowd. “Just resting my eyes”. Done a lot of that in my life.


Been a pretty decent day, it’s 84 right now with a breeze and the humidity is at 49%. I would say comfortably numb.:peace_symbol:


SHHHH! lol Keep it up, cuz. You’ll have half of us moving in on ya!


Or the buttmuncher that caused a big pileup by trying to take a selfie with the riders in background!? smh


You’re all more than welcome but I have to warn you, the winters are total crap.


We just got back home again and I have no plans to go anywhere else today or do much of anything else today.
Had to go get a load of hay. Now that’s some fun in the Ozarks summer sun! The loader is down so we had to load three 5x5 round bales by hand. Me, my wife and two kids under 14 year old. Loading was hell but unloading was gravity powered. lol


Thnx cuz, that’s mighty nice of ya. But, cold and me get along even less than heat n me get along! lol


I back baby! :joy: Out playing pharmacist! Only a few comments into getting caught up and the darn likes ran off on me again! :heart::heart::green_heart::green_heart: . Hey Johnny I did the meet in the middle thing! I was asleep so I’m not really sure how much fun they had.
Yeah y’all this place is home. Won’t get all sappy but it seems several of us have many things in common. Funny how we find each other here before we even really know. Maybe Johnny has special spotlight only visible to certain folks! :joy: as stated here by a few irl I believe my heart is the same as I try to show here but my “live” personality has definitely been altered by life’s experiences. I’m fairly guarded, pretty short with people that aren’t in my opinion socially acceptable. PTSD, a penchant for taking things too far and an inability to give a shit is what really got me deep into this game. I’m so happy some wiser older folks showed me the way to turn it from I’ll bring hell down on your head if you touch my stuff to it’s medicine for all so spread the… if not “love” back then at least the medicine. I’ll not tell lies I enjoy the recreation just as much or more than the next guy but I thank the creator every day my eyes were opened to all this plant has to offer. I see nothing but good people that hang around here at Johnnys spot! Those that I’m still not sure about haven’t even popped up and a couple I was on the fence about may not be regulars but have popped in and shown their good nature. I appreciate you all. Just the short time I’ve spent here has done wonders for me. Funny what a couple of good mornings and a quick hey how ya doin’ can help turn a persons mood around! I really can’t express my happiness at having found OG and @JohnnyPotseed and company. I always knew the Circus is where I belonged! I look forward to hanging around with all of you more! Except that friggin @Slick1 ! What’s up with that guy!!? Am I right? :wink:. :heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart: :facepunch:t3::fist:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:
Upon further review I may have gotten a little sappy.
Deal with it!


Thnx brother! You know the welcome mat is out for ya here! lol


Mvto Johnny! People say that kinda thing all the time. Actions speak louder than words … always have. So I truly believe you when you say it. :heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart::fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3: Hope to see it many more times before entering!


Just a word of warning lol @Slick1 is worse than Beetlejuice, don’t say his name too much or he pops up!


All we know is…
That  boy aint right
I mean that in the nicest way @Slick1 . :slight_smile:


:rofl: @MoBilly @JohnnyPotseed
Yeah maybe so. But for one have had so little interaction with I sure feel like we’re very similar.
Right down to picking a similar avatar.
@Slick1 I’m sorry you pissed them off bad enough for them to shoot you in the forehead and steal your sunglasses! I’d reach you my spare pair brother but I seem to have misplaced my funny bones again! :joy: :heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart::facepunch:t3::fist:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:


He knows it, but he takes it as a compliment. Lol


Why did you call him?


Oh man, lol y’all done gone n done it now. His name has rang out too many times!

I bet his ears are burning!


He’s trying to figure out how to sit down on a three legged chair.
He’ll get me for that one.
It’s like you stick two 5 gallon buckets in front of somebody. Which one are you going to grab first?


Trtick questions? At a time like this? I’m heading for my ‘slick shelter’


Sounds a lot like that raincoat I was warned to wear around he who shall not be named! :joy: Aren’t they called slickers?