Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Looks like you getting her under control there cuz! That gal is really coming along nicely! You are def doing her justice! Good growing vibes in the air to ya!

edit… It’s looking like you’re gonna be getting a lot of budsites, spreading her legs out like that! :heart: :scream: :+1:

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I’m dancin Buddy lol. Funny how some plants just surprise you. We had planned the pole approach… we did not know She was waiting for it. We’ll see how wide this canopy (ahem spread) is shortly, home for supplies.
Honoured “J”
fyi poles are N,S, E, W so the north side gets trimmed heavy and branches get spotted along the bamboo, for exposure.

This is our 3 year outcome for best support/exposure. 4 posts 4 bamboo done. Tba lol


:heart: :heart: :heart:

I’ve said it many times, to many folks, lol over time here. Frankie gal takes anything and everything ya throw at her, laughs and begs for more! All this while showing you mucho luv for your efforts!


I gotta say this. With all the good people on OG who are growing & smoking Frankie… folks are really starting to find out just why she’s been such a long time favorite of my family and friends. It really makes me happy to share her so widely in the past few years. Much more so than I ever could in the real, since on here I can reach sooooo many folks, so much faster & easier! But hey, lol I HAD to keep it on the D/L where I was previously! :scream: :rofl: :crazy_face: :+1: :heart:

Them ‘non-legal’ states don’t play when it comes to cultivation!.. and er, um, other stuff! :laughing:


I’ll revisit it and see what happens, I still have a nugget or two. I also have beans leftover, and it sounds like I should give it another chance to prove me wrong. Could have been me smoking paralyzed monster and we all know there’s not much better than Frankenstein and her crosses.


:heart: :scream: :heart: :+1:
This I can’t dispute. While I’m sure there are many out there (in all the thousands of strains and crosses) Not many are going to be better. I know some are equal, Just happy that folks have received her so grandly!

edit… lol I say that knowing that I personally haven’t found the ‘equal’ yet! But, I give the benefit of doubt in saying I’m sure there has to be others out there as good, or almost as good.


@buck90 asked for a smoke report on that S1 Frankenstein but I forgot to post it for some reason… I think I wrote it out… maybe… then there was pecan pie… I remember the pie… Yeah, that’s about it.
Now I know I put the rest of that bud somewhere but I have forgotten where for real. The humidity is running right around 60 in here so I have time to find it before it dries up too much.
Well that’s my smoke report. I know it hit my head hard. I forgot what I was watching every time a commercial came on. That was about an hour of that. Then I was a relaxed fellow for ~ 1 1/2 hrs. lol


:heart: :scream: :heart: :rofl: :+1:
That’s a helluva smoke report… or lack of one?!


That’s the best smoke report I ever heard :joy:


:heart: :heart: :heart:


Lmao, @MoBilly, BEFORE you got to 2nd paragraph. I was thinking: he just did his report, lol, so f’ed up he wasn’t able to articulate beyond the distraction-from-intention, so the report IS inferred between those lines. Good one! Loved it. Perfectly descriptive!


SO jealous of you who can work in your yards like that!!


i really appreciate your comment @Butterthief1959.

My Friend lives on the end of a Street that becomes a Farmers field… Yep, its a unique spot, with his Mother in the house next-door.

Many bonus’s there alone.! (8 vs 4 lol)

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You do appear to be making the most of good fortune/circumstances! Grow on, brother!

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We’re getting comfy with Rigging @Butterthief1959 … growing in sand


Hope you’re feeling somewhat better,@Slick1. You’re the Chosen One. The sharp acuity of your wit/humor, actually, is what’s causing the world to spin. (At least so the curandero with whom I consult has said. One in each generation.)
Being slow and ponderous I’ve been scared to engage with you. Figured while you’re off balance I might as well gently wish you well.:call_me_hand:


lol treading lightly around him doesn’t work…he has ears the size of an elephant and can hear a mouse fart at 50 paces!


Oor planet maintaining its axis balance depends upon his humor. We all need him! Heal thyself, oh Slick One!
I hear a chorus of mice rising in agreement!:rofl:


He just likes to ‘play doctor’ lol he isn’t a real one!