Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Good morning Again, good people of OG!
Hi and welcome to the Circus @insaneyanish where the fun & show that never ends! We’re so glad you could attend… come inside! lol

Out in the ‘farm-inna-barn’ this morning. Wasn’t long before I was hurting, lol But, I got a good bit done!


Well hell you made what? 3-4 trips out there yesterday! And you’re still pushing! Lotta love for the ladies and gents right there! :green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart: Have a sit and smoke! You know you earned it! :fist:t3::facepunch:t3::+1:t3:


Ok. You guys talked me into having a smoke session with my coffee.
Damn you! Damn you all to hell.


Oh, y’gotta put in the time for the ladies. Those aches and pains are the only thing giving greenhorns like me any advantage at all. :rofl:

Joking, only joking. Lurked long enough to know you’re highly respected, amazing grower and a wealth of knowledge. Honored to be here.


Can’t really speak authoritatively to the topic of sex changing, but insofar as revegging goes: yep, I do it repeatedly. Sometimes, just vegging, I scroll here. Sadly, the interesting or funny nature of community tone interrupts my vegatative state however, drawing me in.


Arm twisters! :joy: Good morning! @BigMike55


Morning bruddah.


I’m smoking with a giant can of Monster every morning. Don’t feel bad, caffeine needs company too. :rofl:


Yup that was my rise and shine routine not so very long ago!

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That. Kinda looks like @Oldjoints one hitter for bubble hash. It didn’t work very good tho. For me. Everyone else good toasty. Me? Not so much, right Oldjoints?
Memories of the Cowboy Cup.


Update time, for yas viewing pleasure… up first is a couple shots of the vegging room
Center group from front of room

Center group from back of room

The 8 Thunder Rose are coming along nicely
first 4

second 4

Crystal Skull Kush clone - courtesy of @Tracker

Another SkyWalker clone coming along

A couple of Coral Kush seedlings - seems to be two different phenos, since same age.

Cut 3 new Frankenstein clones and 3 Alaska ThunderFuck (1 from each of the ATF that’re going into the budroom in the next week

Then a few shots of the budroom/bud porn!
group pic

some random bud shots in no particular order and no strains named lol Pardon some fuzzy shots

That’s the show for this morning, lol Thnx for taking a peek at my girls


Thnx for the kind words! :blush: :+1:

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Welp. Frankenstein made it to next in rotation of buds. Yesterday was an ISS day. Frankie today. I just took one hit from my small bong and I’m pretty loaded right now. Good shit.


I just got moist! I didn’t even know I could do that. :heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart::facepunch:t3::fist:t3::vulcan_salute:t3: Gonna be watching that Crystal Skull now too! So much in the pipeline!


It does look like it.
Bet you can’t hit that one either……, :grin:


Hehehe. Probly not. Maybe I need to buy one and practice for the next Cowboy Cup.
Oh, that’s right. There probably won’t be another Cowboy Cup. I had a good time anyways.

I wish I’d been up to going there with yas, lol

I did enjoy because of the company I was with and looking at some of those fine ladies but was way to commercialized and geared to hustle those that showed up. I miss the old days of outside camping with a bunch of heads just camping together listening to the bands and sharing some fine ganja…………


We’ve been ‘testing’ this Monkey Business buddage, brother. You should come over for a visit when you’re up to it.


Can I have a rain check?

Oh you were talking to OJ. Never mind. Ha.

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