Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Starting to feel a bit better but with this break in the weather I am going to work on the boat. Be over probably when this good weather turns ugly.

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Ya know, it has been awhile cuz, lol and you’re always welcome any time.
@guitarzan wanted me to let him know the next time you and @Oldjoints come over. he wants to get up here again and visit with both of yas here. He really felt bad about missing the cookout last year.


I bet that monkey business x frosted cobra is dam good will be growing some of it soon along with devils rhino


I knew dat. Just fooling around.
Somehow a 2 1/2 hour trip to T-town just to get loaded with my buds, sounds like me. But that 80 bucks for gas might make me shake my head. Hehe.

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check my edit, brother ^^^^

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DAMN!..I’m glad we only have that little gas-sipping HHR lol 6 hours on the road both ways the other day going over to Guitarzan’s place, and still had 3/4 tank of gas left!

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I actually didn’t even know @Guitarzan was in Oklahoma.

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Down in Muskogee area

Yup. That big ol’ f150 has a great motor. It will pass anything but a gas station.


Try the 350 in mine……

It only took a couple hours to get to his place, lol but with those tall ass ‘trees’ he gifted me in the back, poking up behind Rose’s head… lol we took all back gravel roads coming home!
So turned into almost 4hr drive back, but we did stop for a bite at a Whattaburger

lol the gal at the window did a triple-take when she saw what was in the back seat!! :scream: :rofl: :crazy_face: :+1: We pulled over to the side to eat, with that AC blasting!


I bet that was a sight.

But as little as Rose is, a two foot plant would be over her head.
I guess now she owes me a smack upside the head. Hehe.


At two feet that smack could hurt more than hitting your BIG head……,


Honestly more excited about this aspect of the forum than the seed and cutting giveaways. You all seem like such good natured chill people. I want to stick around, make connections and lasting friendships. Good people are literally priceless to me, and I knew from the beginning that I was going to need some help with this massive undertaking of mine.


One is around 3.5’-4’ the other is right behind it, the 2 WR clones are only around 2’

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Now let’s leave my BIG head alone.

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Trust me bro I will leave your head to your wife……. :sunglasses:


We never felt a bit of the heat, lol Son put a vacuum pump on the new AC compressor, took it down to -75lbs. lol 4.5 cans of Freon! That damn thing blows 25 degrees at the vents! We had to turn it down to low in 110 heat index

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I never knew any of these guys before I came to OG.
I have since made many friends, some I consider very close friends, and have got to meet several in person. It’s a cool thing. And you are correct. Everyone i have met has been top shelf folks, I shit you not.
Well, except for that @Slick1 feller. But there’s always that ONE GUY.

I kid, Slick and me have been busting each other’s balls since day one. We wear that shit like a badge of honor.


Thank you, sir.