Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

I hope you rewound there was some vital probing info that could come in handy one day…. Soon I suspect! :joy::facepunch:t3::fist:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:


Man, that UFO kerfluffle raised a stink!


Can you describe the aroma? Keep using words like kerfluffel and you’ll have my full attention! :joy: I may have to go back and watch it!


It stinks! lol


There was a lot revealed but not near enough. I want to know what happened to those other two folks that were set to testify but called in today and said “Nein. Schraube du.”

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Hey! You ever see trichomes on a stalk?

This is Gorilla Grove at 25 days from flip.
I hope you don’t mind my clipping your photo @Floyd. This is just too rich not to show it off.


That’s a stem I would smoke haha

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Now n then. Usually on hybrids/crosses. But it is unusual. (also pretty!)

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I’m thinking smoke the bud and then have hash bash! Use it all, stems to leaf tips!


Made any budder? Something tells me this is what you want under the hood of your morning buttered toast.

If edibles worked on me @insaneyanish that is what I’d do too.

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:sweat_smile: Yeah, that’s fair. I suppose that’s the only downside of having quality cannabis around all the time.

Have you tried lectin to increase bio availability? Edibles only made me sleepy until I tried the lectin now it’s an enjoyable ride.


My body doesn’t process THC in edible form. My liver doesn’t have the enzymes needed to utilize it. I can eat a whole pan of highly infused brownies and only gain weight.


Edibles give me a different buzz. I’m not overly fond of it. Rose loves em though. I’ll eat some at parties, but not daily as a general rule.


D: That’s terrible, man. Sorry you gotta go through that.

Yes. :frowning:
No joy in Mudville.

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Well that sucks! Let’s keep them lungs processing the good stuff! If I had to go completely without I’d probably go around kicking babies and shit!

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Yep. At least I don’t know what I’m missing.
Smoking is fine with me. I just need to be a better grower. Said the smart grower all his life.


I have a question. I know when you eat it, it gets processed in the liver. How about topical, I’ve made butter before and rang the cheesecloth without gloves on… wow, won’t make that mistake again.
Maybe topical would work…