Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

With the link thingy!

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Haha I did it! Now you all must purchase without reservation!


My bad Johnny! I figured if he ain’t found the link thingy by now he wasn’t gonna! :rofl:

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Pretty impressive eh? Pretty worth acquiring eh?


I once had a pet primate. Feet looked very much like those, well worn, stained from the vicissitudes of living a hard life. Could NOT get the damn beast, ever, to keep shoes on. Spent a fortune trying to find some he’d not violently throw at passing cars. @Foreigner, those feet and well-carpeted legs bring back such melancholy memories. A tear is welling up in my eye even now. You certainly know how to touch the heart, I must say!


I looked and now I can never unsee that, my god man wash yer feet :joy:


I had this pic of Big Bad Boy’s foot. The resemblance is uncanny, is it not?


If you like my feet you should check out my erotic calendar!

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Just did. I’m in grief counseling now. Too traumatizing. I miss Big Bad Boy so much. Those legs!!
He was exotic too.
Oops, you said “ erotic”. NO! I won’t do it!:rofl:


Nothing like facing your fears and getting off your horse to face your fears! Signup!

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Sorry there giving you such a hard time. @Foreigner
I was going with giant dirty footed teddy bear… to each his own I guess! :joy:


You know how it is with eyewitnesses. Notoriously divergent in perception.

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I’m still in shock and scheduled therapy for an immediate night session this evening…

edit… I showed the therapist the pic that did me in, and now THEY have to get therapy!
(He showed his wife)


They get around. Much like my calendar!


So thankful for online therapy these day! There when you need ‘em!


check my edit lol

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I currently and often have lived right outside of military posts. Not much traumatizes me anymore.
They took some candy off the market I really liked one time and that bout did it! :drooling_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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THAT’S what scares me about buying the calendar. The chain reaction. Downstream harm. Ahimsa, and so forth.

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Therapy is cheap. A calendar is cheaper.

Damn y’all. Hard to pull myself away from this freakin circus. “Real” life stuff, a lot less fun, calls. Imma be the first mofo tomorrow to say Good Morning . Just wait and see.

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