Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Sounds like a challenge! :facepunch:t3::fist:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:


Bad news for me today. I was working along outside, minding my own business. When oliver sudden I started feeling funny. It was well over 90°.
I thought, did I smoke too much weed? No. That could not be it. Not hungry. Screw it. Went back to work. Next thing I know I’m laying under the shade tree with my neighbor yelling are you ok? Yup. I fell out. Guess heat got the best of me. I went inside and crapped out until just now. I feel like I’ve been shot at and missed, and shit at and hit.


Damn brother! I told ya to stay cool out there today, ya hard head! Hope you feeling somewhat better after resting awhile…


Damn bro! Hope you get straight. The heat is nothing to play with. Enough of it burns stuff!
Guess I ain’t telling you something you haven’t figured out.
Drink Gatorade/Pedialyte eat pickles and rest. That’s what I do…. All too often! :heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart::fist:t3::facepunch:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:

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Dude, that really sucks… Heat got me too today, had to rip apart an old quail run I constructed and I fell out before I could finish. Had to rest in the shade for a while before I could move again. Hope you feel better soon, it’s no fun getting cooked out. :c


Dang what did this circus come to a bunch of ol timers complaining about the heat !?
What happen to making hay while the sun’s shining :crazy_face:
Hope all is well fellas …
Big Mike start soaking down a shirt with some nice cold water and drape it around your neck before going outside …when it dries up there’s your sign to go in for a min…
At least Nancy spotted you !


I believe there’s a probing tutorial coming up. Stay tuned! I hear @Foreigner has a new model with an impregnate button! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::facepunch:t3::fist:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:

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Well, not a button, persay, but it does tend to go off.

Sucks when you need a different kind of
“protection” plan for your work tools! :joy:

Safety first except when I don’t fucking feel like it.

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PPE always or it’s pay pay me for at least 18 years!

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Really kids are self sufficient at 12 I’ve found.

You and my mother are of a like mind. Wait…… Dad??


If you’re 12 you’re on your own but you should encourage others to buy erotic calendars. Consider it one final life lesson.

Definitely not 12 but I still have some long term memory left. And I linked it on my thread! Doin my part. :facepunch:t3: It is a pretty good deal for some @Foreigner beans…. And I think he said there’s gonna be some canna seeds in there too!:joy:


Get him JP! It is hot. I remember heat like this when I was a kid. It would let Up some at night.
Around the middle of August not the beginning. lol
Those damn mosquitoes will tear your ass up though.

Don’t be fooled @Foreigner is looking for models for his swimsuit issue . lol

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I heard this! I’m in search of a good wildlife photographer now! :joy:


Thanks for the reminder. Time to see the ass Dr.
I remember the prep work, it was the worst.


I can’t keep from laughing. Good night friends.