Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

:open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth: wow! Hopefully the gods remain appeased!


I can’t wait to have mine done, she’s got some amazing cola’s forming.


She’s definitely starting to look very nice there, cuz! Good growing vibes in the air to ya, lol.


Ya know, I’ve paid a fair sum on seeds, through the years. You pop ten, hopping for a keeper, to have and to hold till death do you part. Most always: decent. But not the real deal, ya know? Lately, PBJ 2.0 and Peach Crescendo. Now dead-n-gone; ya kill ‘em off, ‘cause well, just not yet one to have and hold.
My Frankie, (also ISS) are verry close to flipping. Only a couple phenos each . . And we all know how fickle pheno love is. But I sometimes feel tingly with true-love hopeful anticipation.


I can honestly say here, cuz… I haven’t seen or heard anyone that grows Frankie not want her as a keeper/mother, for many gens to come. THAT does warm my heart, too! ! appreciate all of the good folks who are growing and enjoying her, too!


All signs indicate I’ll soon be a bona fide member of that tribe. She’s certainly a great grower, albeit, like MoBilly said, always hungrier than others. ( a good thang!)
And I’ve definitely come to give great credence to opinions regarding quality of high, as expressed by this clan of old school growers. AND, then there’s the 7 year stabilization you did. I’m wildly optimistic and can’t wait to offer a smoke report!!!


Thnx for the kind words, brother. Just one minor correction there, lol It took about 5yrs total to breed & stabilize/smooth her out.
lol The smoke report is what gets a lot of folks

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Yes, thanks, I recall. I’ll blame my road-hangover!
I like a gentle correction, locks it in nice and tight.

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Looking like another hot one, in a long line of em! Triple digit heat index here today…

Actually having a beauty of a day here…22C (72F) low humidity…just got back from a walk,


Keep on… just you keep on! Rubbing it in, is gonna make some of us havta come up there!

edit… Then it’ll be on your head to try explaining ( to your gov.) the influx of U.S. stoners!! :rofl: :crazy_face: :+1:


Pretty sure that’s been happening since the 60s!

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Yeah but this will be a whole new wave! lol

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It “says” that five hours ago I finished trimming those Fem Frankenstein buds. Afterwards I took three hits from my bong.
This smoke is dangerous! Novice smokers must avoid it at all costs! @JohnnyPotseed did some freaky mojo with the genetics that went into it. It makes time stop for a bit. I know because I was sitting here for only a short while and the clock says five hours have passed.


Time travel seems to be one of the unknown side effects!


I’m happy with it. :slight_smile: I may have found my night time meds. :crossed_fingers:


Hit less for day time energy, brother. lol


I have been taking about three bong rips of Frankie right before bed. Last few nights.
She is great baddie bye meds. I can do my three hits. Go to bed high as a frickin kite. About ten fifteen minutes later you feel the body start buzzing and feeling kinda floaty, if that makes any sense. That’s usually about 10 o’clock. Next thing I know it’s 2 am and I gotta go P. Go back to bed and wake up when the sun peeks in the window. I shit you not. That last few nights have been my best rest in a while. That’s a no shit deal.
Thank you Dr. Frankenstein.


I think if yas would just take a sip or two, you’ll find it’s like I said. Ms. Frankie is good for any time of day, and does what ya want/need. In smaller doses, she is an up, energetic buzz, in larger doses she can be some good night stuff! lol
Give it a try tomorrow morning, only take 1 or 2 small sips… :scream: :rofl: :+1:
She’ll have ya wanting to get up and do stuff!