Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

:rofl: I feel ya! I think I’m gonna dislodge something every time I stomp! One time I’m pretty sure I did! :face_with_monocle:


Hell, lol I can’t even stomp! That’d hurt my leg too much
2 falls in 2 days put a bit of slow-down in my step
tossed the meds that did it to me. now gotta let it get out of my system


Did ya go down again?! Thought you was Chillin today. Meds again?

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see the edit above

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Ah. Yeah. Guess ya gotta flush. I gotta garden hose… you have orifices….

lol kinda sorta chillin… I did make it out to the barn, but didn’t do much more than sit there looking at the gals

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Sometimes that’s all it takes! :heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart:

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I pass, thnx for the offer! :scream: :grimacing: :+1:

I use my garden hose for the coffee IV from pot

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:rofl: Just tryna help a buddy! Hope you get stabilized soon so you can get back to work! :wink::facepunch:t3::fist:t3::vulcan_salute:t3:

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I get what ‘work’ I can, the rest is all on Rose. She doesn’t stop

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Sounds like ya kept the best flower outta the bunch! :+1:t3:

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lol yep!
True story, i was set up selling my jewelry & turquoise carving in the tribal seat when she came walking by. I called her over to my stand, she says ‘I don’t have any money to spend’… I said, " I’m not after your money, I’m after YOU’! how we met, lol

When I saw her first time, I had an ‘awake vision’ I saw her and me, both grey headed, sitting on a swing, with grandchildren playing in front of us in the grass. I told her we’d be together forever and what I’d seen. She just laughed and said ‘go ahead on boy’… thinking it was some pickup line. But now 40+ yrs later she admits I can say ‘I told ya so’!


Oohhh smooth operator! :clap:

Hey bud on another note… what was the Stoned Pup? I think I got a trade going to pick up a few beans. I’m not sure I’ve seen those.

ChemDawg x PPP

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Nice! That should be cool. I may run that and a PPP side by side. That’ll be fun to watch next time!

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Did you see the edit on my post above?

Truer story never been told!

It was just a flash n gone, but it hit me hard.


Lol! She wasn’t Fallin for it right off huh?
Perhaps the wisest flower as well! :joy:

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Our 3 sons grew up hearing the story, lol they know


Not often do you get that full moment of clarity! Like yup… this is happening.


I talked her into traveling with me, and about 5-6 weeks later she moved in with me… the rest, as they say, ‘is history’! lol

Still on honeymoon.