Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

We had a ton when I was a teen. I do kinda miss having those weird eyed, pellet piling suckers around!


I enjoy them. They have a lot of character. Each one is unique but dang near all of them are smart. lol


I’m a proud member of that club! lol

edit… ‘Social life’? what the hell is that? Some new food group, or what? Haven’t had anything ya could call that in so long i forget! :scream: :joy: :rofl: :crazy_face: :+1:


Well, a month ago I dropped 10 beans of the new cross we made, called Thunder Rose. they all germinated, and all are very healthy little things, coming along nicely. So I feel they can be released now!
Thunder Rose is a 4-way cross of Frankenstein, King Tut, Cinderella-99, and Strawberry Alien Moonrocks.
They are now on the list of ‘available strains’ in my Hall thread.
I really think this is gonna be something else! lol Heck, just look at the lineage!


105 degrees with 112 heat index! All I can say is DAMN, welcome to August!

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Woah, everytime I turn around another crazy strain is put up from you, I keep telling my girl “I won these premium seeds” haha. I hope she doesn’t check our shared bank records :laughing:, I might need to be a part of these.


lol We took our time with this one, cuz. I wanted to check a couple things, the germ rat (100%, great! lol) also how they grew, (also very nice!) I didn’t want any stunted, runty or warped things carrying the ‘boss-lady’s’ name!
We grew out the cross of Frankenstein x King Tut,(Frankenstein’s Bride)
Then crossed Cindy-99 with Strawberry Alien Moonrocks. Let that grow out, taking a male for pollen and hit the F x KT with it.
These are the resulting beans of the final cross


Sounds fire. Do you imagine these will have even more stretch than the Frankenstein due to the c99?

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I think it should be about the same as Frankenstein, cuz
The height is totally up to the grower. With topping, fimming, LST, also time in vegging, etc… whatever method they prefer. It’s controllable

edit… That said, all 4 strains DO have the potential to get very tall/big. So diligence is gonna be required, staying on top of these will be a MUST!
I feel these will be an excellent choice for outdoor growing, lol But also very easy to control indoors.


Okay yeah I guess I was talking about just growing natural. Big is definitely not bad, just wanted to see was expected lol

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lol Growing natural? I’d think you better have some tall ceilings! Or put em outdoors, lol

I was feeding the girls out back and was giving Walkenstein the last of my water can. Check out who was sitting there.


lol Just chillin, waiting on bugs. Good pest control, lol

From the looks of that chewed up couple of leaves, he needs to stay right there!


Haha well if I know what they will be like without touching it helps to know how much to touch haha.

That frog is awesome @Greenfingers! :frog:

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We have a few more tree frogs than usual this year. There’s a couple that live by the pool. They chirp loud af.



Now I gotta go hit the Emoji like bank! :scream: :rofl: :+1: :heart_eyes: :heart:


I only have a few gnats on my indoor grow but I will say a shop vac accident or two and a few of my leaves look very similar! :joy:
Good froggy!


HEY! lol I managed to squeeze out a like! (LOL now that statement, without accompanying context, really sounds bad!)


Yeah I’m in the process of distributing my new found wealth at the moment. I’ll be bankrupt in a minute. I go back liking stuff I read 3 hours ago and now it’s a constant cycle. Only a few new and current things manage to get one. You got a new one though! :fist:t3:

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:scream: :heart: :heart
Here ya go, brother lol: :heart: :heart: endless supply! :heart: :heart:

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