Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Man I’ve robbed that bank so many times my picture is in the post office! Seen yours in there too! :joy:
Reminds me… better wear a disguise in the morning.


Just wear those big sunglasses, you’ll be fine :wink:


I’m thinking the wig this time too… really throw em off! :fist:t3:


Late night fulvic blast with someTPS bud builder and booster these ladies got a dose of Malted two row and ECW with a half a bag of DR Earth bloom and bud booster a week ago ahead of the bloom now I’ve caught it dead in my sights.Frankie is concentrating on building bud sites and preflower is increasing colder night temps are bringing the bacon as we speak she is building out wards nicely and stretching ever so slightly going on 9 ft 2 inches now filling in every nook and cranny she is


Hell yeah, cuz! lol You’re pumping that gal. Can tell she’s def not done growing yet. Get an ax & ladder to harvest, lol


How do you deal with temps in the farminnabarn?


We have big through-the-wall AC unit in each room. The drying/curing room is damn near hermetically sealed, you can feel pressure or suction when you close or open the door. The veg and budroom both have fresh air exchange.
When we bought this place, the barn took probably half of the money we put into here. It’s a 40yr old Post & beam construction. We filled in the studs, insulated with well over recommended value, 6mil vapor barrier, and caulked. Ran all new wiring, outlets, panel box, breakers.Patched all hole on corrugated tin sides and roof, then sealed the outside also.Temps outside today reached 112 heat index, mean temp of 103-105. Temp in the barn with just 1 AC running on auto, highest was 80 degrees in veg and 78 in budroom. Lights off from 11AM to 11PM during peak hours, so save money there, also during hottest part of day, saving money there also by not having to run AC in budroom. Humidity is of no concern either, controlled.

The hottest or coldest days in any year since we’ve been here have had zero impact on temps/humidity in the barn.
Also have a very good genny on standby in open-side shed attached to corner of barn. Dual start, elec & pull. Run it every couple weeks to keep it ‘ready’ but only had to use it once for couple hours when we had the main disconnect installed/replaced by the Electric service provider here.


Wow JP. Pretty cool. Always wondered.

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You have to remember, cuz. We bought this place just TO build out a commercial operation.It had to be right, cost effective to run as we could make it. I knew the temps, power consumption, etc were super important, from the quality of the buddage we produced, all the way through to what it cost to produce.


Very interesting Johnny. Thanks for sharing.


What kinda temp and humidity are you able to maintain? Do you have to add humidifier?

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I answered that about temps n the earlier post, cuz. We only used a dehumidifier if/when needed. Which is hardly ever Fans going in both rooms, with open water storage bins for feeding/watering. Humidity stays around 50%+/- temps stay 75-80 degrees

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Sorry JP. I miss a detail or two here and there. Life is good. :grin:

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Not a problem, cuz. lol It was worded different than your question… I merely mention the temps today in there. But that’s a daily reading.
Like I said, the build-out we did, was done to insure ‘stability’ of the highest order within our ability and means.
All the labor was done by the wife, myself, and a helper. who worked for half cash, half stash, but was a very willing hard worker.
lol 6 years ago, I was in a lot better shape!

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Good Night OG!

And hope everyone has A Good Morning!


Good night everyone


Good Wednesday morning @JohnnyPotseed and company!


Good morning Johnny, good morning @buck90, rise n shine OG’s. happy hump day☮️


Good morning @JohnnyPotseed @buck90 @Greenfingers & OG!



Good morning everyone!