Dam skippy, Hippie.
Guarantee you will never find anything close to that at a dispo.
Good morning @JohnnyPotseed and gang!
Good morning Johnny, good morning @buck90 happy Thursday OG’s.
Good morning @JohnnyPotseed @buck90 @Greenfingers @BigMike55 (even if he isn’t up yet) and OG!
Good Morning @JohnnyPotseed @buck90 @Greenfingers @CanuckistanPete and OG
Good morning everyone
Good Morning OG!
Hope everyone is doing great this ‘almost Friday’? lol
Morning OG. Hey @BigMike55 . That trim is perfect in my world. I suppose it’s personal preference, but I’ve never understood trimming off all that frostiness you worked so hard to achieve. All that trim makes for some good edibles.
G’morning, OG.
Morning errybuddy. Gonna be 105° today, is what they say. That sucks. That’s all I have to say about that. Everyone stay hydrated, or better yet, stay in some air conditioning.
So like this, but the sun. Got it.
Wow, it’s only 80 of a high here today. Coolest day in a couple months. It is supposed to rain a ton but I’ll take it
Good morning everyone!
Back, lol waiting on them boys to start dumping pollen is a lot like watching a pot of water come to a boil
But with a better payoff — can’t wait for another batch of new crosses!
Yup. And guaranteed. One morning you will go out there and it will look like it snowed in there overnight. Been there. Haha.
Hey guys.
I’ve got two different Supafreak male plants that I want to collect pollen from. Both are outside in pots. I want to keep the different pheno separate and pure. I’m thinking bags on branches… but the heat… Wouldn’t that just roast the branch? I know I need to separate them more but that will be a major pita.
Ideas anyone?
I hate to sound like such a nube but I really want to keep these two separated.
Maybe baguette bread bags with the plastic window.
I would have to shade the bags… And the heat would be terrible in them.
Sorry I’m not sure if I can help ya much with that one, brother. Maybe someone here on OG has done that? It sounds like a rather unique situation. How close are they? Are they in pots? Maybe move em indoors if so. Not sure how to approach, because like you said, the heat might be an issue. But maybe try putting a very loose plastic bag over em and then watch carefully? If you see signs of ‘cooking’ or wilting,. take the bags off?