Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Could you use something like this you set over one at a time on different days? Rinse enclosure and go to the next on another day! Maybe collect pollen in the evening when cooler rinse in morning, move to next plant that evening. I know you keep monsters so you may have to make something out of clear sheeting and some rope!
Maybe insect netting to reduce cross contamination? I don’t know how to stop that stuff from going everywhere!

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That sounds interesting. Yeah, right now they are only about 100’ apart. That can be changed. They’re in ~20 gal pots.

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You don’t want to rinse when collecting pollen.


Actually forgot to edit that part. At first thought we were talking pollination :+1:t3: Fixed it! Thanks for heads up! :fist:t3:


There ya go, it’ll be a PITA moving em. but it is the best way… separate them, put one inside different rooms while you collect pollen

Indoors, you won’t have to worry about the heat


Yee haa. I’ve got an old mobile home that I store tools in. I can use that for one. It’s got some good windows facing South. I guess if I wait until just before the flowers pop, it won’t matter if I put one it there for a few days.


Sounds like a good plan!


I was just hoping one of you brainiacks could save me moving those dang pots. lol
It’s about all my two wheeler can handle and just over what I want to.


IKR? lol The weight/size of pots is what keeps Rose and me from going bigger here. Neither one of us would be able to move anything!


Jonnny is on the case! My groggy ass forgot to even put the link to the cheap clear tent/Greenhouse thing I found! :rofl:


I’ve just been shuffling several 3-7 gallon pots the past few days and my back is kinda sore! :laughing: I think my crazy self has 21 strains in veg now! Lol


We talk about this now n then, lol We’d love to ‘go big’ 5-25gallon pots… but we also know our limits! Not gonna happen



Nope! :rofl: not unless I have a static outdoor location again! And I was always more of a fan of digging a hole and sweetening it in.

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Did I send that to you 30 minutes ago? :rofl: I’m rethinking these brownies! Perhaps I hit them hard yesterday! Woke up weed drunk! :joy: Not gonna lie, kinda like it. Doesn’t make for the most effective communication though! Also hair of the dog does not appear effective at this point. Going for more hair. Will report back…. Maybe.


I got away from outdoor growing many decades ago… So long ago I’d forgot a few things, lol so a couple years ago we put a bunch out for nostalgia’s sake… Storms damage, and bad mole problems reminded me of the perils, lol

We lost over half of approx 125 plants


I’d probably give up halfway through because it’s too hot for me. Lol Who am I kidding I’d have to pay someone to dig the hole at this point! I really like indoor! I’d also really like to grow one of these trees I keep seeing!:heart_eyes:

‘A man’s gotta know his limitations’

Going over that means a lotta waste


And then there’s that again! :fist:t3::joy:

I want to put one of my Frankenstein clones in one of those 20 gal posts next year. lol
I want to but… a ten foot plant would be quite obvious to my new neighbors.
It looks like they are building a tiny house community over there! I am not happy about this at all guys. I live on the edge of the family property where it just kinda drops off into a deep holler. These people are building on an extremely small space between my fence and the drop off.
Not happy. There’s four of them now.