Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

In reality shit is shit especially once composted. You just gotta get over that mental hill with the big roadblock at the top you encounter while working the do! :laughing:
P.S. never use fresh human on consumable products. That’s just shitty! :rofl:


Last time I used it was the last outdoor (large) grow I did in '84. Moved to indoor 'that winter and Rose has never said yes, even though every decade or so, I mention it, lol

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Milorganite comes right out the Milwaukee Sewage Plant , not to mention it’s use in scenic garden third-world shitholes…

IF I were to ever use it again, which will probably never happen, lol It sure wouldn’t be anything like that! I would only trust what I know, from my own septic tank, lol

But it’s really a non-starter, lol Since even that won’t ever be done here.


Kinda one of those things that’s sensible in theory, if ya break it down, but not necessarily convenient in application.
However, if the shit ever gets deep . .


Folks get so squeamish about that kind of stuff. I wonder what they’d say if you told them how much of the rice they eat was grown in rice patties fertilized with human excrement? Probably wouldn’t be able to eat rice for a year afterwards. lol


Loves me some seabird shit!


It was a very real biz back in the day. I’m talking for hundreds of years, lol Also acknowledged to be one of the best ferts, in use for millennia.
But business science has come up with ‘better/easier’ ways, and the people have become complacent and always opt for the easy out.

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Seabird, bat, cow are all popular ferts

lol and my fav… Earth worm castings (read shit)


I prefer Sloth. It’s time release.




Good night everyone. :slight_smile:
Early and long day planed for tomorrow.
Be kind to one another.


My own life often feels like it needs a straight line to whatever comes in an easy to get bag. I freakin don’t even have a worm bin. Buy their shit in a bag too. Some folks got it such that they compost. Some folks can’t see the way clear, for all kinds of reasons. So they just buy it. And maybe bitch about not doing what in a perfect world is so sensible. Reckon.


lol There gets to be some wild & diverse conversations at times. I spend a lot of time here in my old office chair talkng with Rose and such, al I need do is glance to my right, monitor and keyboard right there, lol so I get stoned AF and toss shit out there… or here, lol


Good shit, brother.

I don’t know when the last time I bought any store sold grow mix. We’ve ran huge compost for 25 yrs at least. We did buy some compost from a nursery to get started when we moved here about 6 yrs ago, so I reckon that kinda counts, lol
We toss any worms we find into the bin (4x4x8) also occasionally buy more red wigglers usually. Also have ran low on the bins and had to buy EWC now n then. But we swear by that shit!

We compost everything we possibly can, eggshells, coffee grounds, fruit and veggie leavings (uncooked) All the stems and sun leaves from harvesting Ganja also


From over here, that looks like a good path you’re on.
I buy from Uncle Jim’s. I like a lot of castings. Every so often buy 500 night crawlers. Gets expensive but better that not having them.
Yours is the better way, but a fella’s gotta walk the road he’s on.


Thnx, it was common sense mainly, good growing practice I learned in my young days, but also good business sense. In the commercial Ganwja world, if you aren’t BIG you better have something to make yoursself stand out, lol. We were in that small niche, ‘craft grower’ small batch, top shelf, organic. It got us top dollar at the dispos

lol The big boys making $1000-$1500/lb and bragging about it, shit themselves hearing what we got for ours at the same dispos… $2500-$3000/lb (but Frankenstein is what she is, lol)

Oh man, they found out mostly by being there when a few growers, myself included were delivering to the dispo.

edit… one of em actually tried to bull his way into making them not buy ours! lol
He supplied a lot of their hash and concentrates, as well as some of the Ganja. But it didn’t work for him.


I find myself nestled snugly in the ‘crap grower’ tiny batch, on my shelf, mostly organic, saves me a dollar and I’ve never seen a dispo niche!
I’m utterly shocked I make it to the finish line most times! :rofl:


I used to hear it said,”get in where you can fit in”.
Few are the businesses that have, in a decade, changed so dramatically as cannabis biz. But there remains a really beautiful dignity in the way growers such as you and others here still develop the craft and art of cannabis. There’s a timelessness to the artisan way; the big corporations and their hundred however many thousand square feet can never touch.