Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Don’t play yourself short there, cuz lol I’ve seen your pics and things look pretty damn good in the longhouse!


Lol, I so get that “utterly shocked” part! I’ve been doing this on and off, mostly on, for decades. And I still feel a pretender and novice! But we smoke good.:grin::call_me_hand:


lol Ain’t that the truth! It got grampa top dollar back mid century, and that’s who I learned from, and copied… forever. lol

Even though technology has made growing a lot better, some ways never get old.
Combining the two is a chore all in itself!


It’s dropped 10 degrees since sundown. It’s only 95 now, lol
Still 99-100 heat index


Thanks brother! I’ve grown a ton but it was mostly outdoor and we stuck to a single strain. A fella can get complacent when you hit a several year stride.
I had no clue at all about indoor when I started in 2016. Started with a 2x2 and an aerogarden. Quickly realized I needed to upgrade during the first grow. Added more lights etc. I’ve improved the last few years but I guess I still feel a struggle because I run several different strains at once so I’m always chasing…. and correcting. Until now almost everything has been from seed. Hey the aerogarden is back as a cloner! Working well too! Im still searching for those few strains I want to mother and grow steadily for head stash. Then I can just play! I’m making improvements. Mostly I was just slinging shit cause my trebuchet idea was shot down and I had to get it in somewhere! :rofl:


lol I didn’t shoot it down entirely, just mentioned some adverse side effects!

edit… I personally liked that idea, cuz! Just done a bit more discreetly, maybe? :rofl:

:thinking:how to sling shit without someone knowing it was you? :scream: :joy: :crazy_face: :+1:


This is true! And appreciated! I don’t need to me going up river and we don’t need @MoBilly up the creek without a paddle either! It’s fun to dream about swift, permanent and aggressive solutions to annoying issues though! :joy:


Maybe a slingshot and goat pellets just to soothe the soul? :joy:


I still say build a 10’ privacy wall, only need a couple sides close to the plants

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:rofl: :rofl: :scream: damn cuz, lol you soooo wanna sling it, huh?

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And then they can’t see ya with the slingshot. They’ll think it’s birds with digestive issues! :joy: Genius!


Yeah the situation just annoys me. People like to build houses to block other peoples pretty views just so they can have the view themselves. I saw it a lot in Tennessee. Hell I was the asshole building the cabins in front of other peoples cabins.


Except for trajectory issues, genius! lol I reckon you could shoot it up in the sky with trajectory factored in… :thinking: :+1:


This is my thought process. I’m good with a mortar! I can adapt! give me a week I’ll be beer ponging in their lemonade glasses on their back porch! May need a good spotter, though!


I didn’t give a damn if they wanted a Taj Mahal in miniature in the middle of the forest, if they had the money, I’d build it!
lol that was basically a part of my sales pitch. Don’t let anyone tell you ‘it can’t be done’… that usually means they can’t do it. I can do whatever you want, if you got the money! Tal Mahal in miniature in your attic? No Problem. lol

Good work at a good price with good references, sold!

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Yup! Lol never felt bad at the time either. :joy: Just pay me!

Well I’m off to finish transplanting 5 more!
Goodnight Johnny! Goodnight Circus!
Goodnight OG!


also here lol
Good Night OG!

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Night JPS.

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Good morning Johnny, good morning OG’s. Let’s have a good day☮️