Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

The Levo 2 is what my buddy uses to make the butter for brownies…. That will apparently make you miss your early good mornings! :joy:
The machine is pretty cool. Set and forget . Decarb and infuse all in one!


Damn! We gotta pass on the Levo 2 or the Lux! $299 for one and $499 for the other! I reckon if we do anything with honey, it’ll be the ‘old-school’ way, lol


Right! Convenience is expensive as shit these days! That’s why my buddy bought the Levo and I just take him trim and sticky stems. Then I get brownies and cookies back. Trying to get him to make gummies! I think I’m coming out ahead in this deal! :rofl:


I just wanted to make sure nobody wastes their precious herb.


Understood, and appreciated on the ‘looking out’!

99 atm, with 109 heat index… cooling down some! lol

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I’m old school. Just glass. Don’t care for joints. Don’t really do much for me.
Little cooler today.


Glass?! That’s not ‘old school’ cuz… use JOB no glue papers or corncob if ya wanna talk ‘old school’ lol :scream: :joy: :crazy_face: :+1:


My first glass piece was in the early 80’s. Brass,clay and wood before that. I had a corn cob pipe. Forgot about those.

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in the 50s and early 60s the corncob or JOB papers, sometimes TOP lol glass bowls weren’t heard of then

oh yeah, lol also Zig Zag, when ya could find em


Had a few guys blow them. They were not like they are today. Out west they were big. My first graphics was glass.

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Glass pipes were in the 90’s. I was off a bit. I think my first was about 96 or so.

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My buddy Jeff had a black and white cat named Zig Zag.


Younger me had a dog named Roachclip lol and another named Toker

lol The looks I’d get when I called em!


Top papers. I remember those. They were ruff. Zigzags. The small papers. We’re not forever. I remember the paper roll. Then the one with the wire.


I am the King of my castle. I say what goes on in my household. So when my wife’s cat got pregnant, I put my foot down. I’m not one to dispatch kittens so I told her that she could keep one kitty and the rest had to find homes. I told her I wasn’t really a cat person (not that I hate them) and I always get what I want!!!
Turns out what I wanted all along was five cats. I wasn’t aware of that fact. It completely surprised the heck out of me.
Introducing my new additions to the homestead. I better never see a rat in the barn. lol

You can see that I have three male cats. One is named Toke, one is named Smokey, and one is named Ash.


I’m sure they keep the snakes out of your yard. Mow cat Billy.

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:scream: :rofl: :crazy_face: :+1:
Way to go, on putting yer foot down, cuz!! You sure did let her know who’s boss, huh? (HER!)

I so hate trying to type while stoned! lol


Well, you know… it’s all give and take… She lets me keep more goats than we really need. lol
Both will pay off in the long run. The cats will keep rodents out of the feed to a great extent and as far as the goats… They forage and get a little grain but the extra milk that we don’t need goes to supplementing the food for seven very large dogs. They get a lot of milk with their dog food.
So like I said it all balances out.
I could have exerted my authority as the KING… if I wanted to. Really I could have… really…


Sure ya coulda, lol
The majority of the Woodland Tribes were Matriarchal societies. The women ran most of the day to day stuff, leaving the men to hunt, fish and fight, lol
I’ve always just gave Rose the money, and let her handle the stores etc makes for a much happier home life! lol


I literally have tears in my eyes :rofl:
They are beautiful @MoBilly. I think cats have a virus that makes you like them because everyone I have ever known who hated cats changed their perspective once they lived with one :joy:

I am also glad to read that your daughters surgery, although extensive, was successful and I hope for the quickest and most pain-free recovery possible and a successful chemo treatment!