Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

I have never been intimidated by strong smart women. They make life more mentally stimulating. I’ve known men that would not take a job if a woman would be their boss. I’ve even heard a couple try to back that nonsense up with scripture. How narrow minded can some folks be!?


Thank you my friend.
I have to admit that I’ve become rather fond of them. lol


I hear that, and agree 100%! Rose is like that, lol She’s not afraid of anything, I swear. Ever try peeling raw shrimp? lol I had to literally peel her off of a 300+lb buddy (bouncer) He was squalling like a wounded panther! ‘Get her off me’! He said something that pissed her off, don’t remember what now, lol
She could outwork a lot of men that worked for us over the years, the doc made her stop doing roofs in her mid 40s. She’d lug a bundle of shingles up the ladder in a minute! lol Also, with a couple of college degrees, she ain’t too shabby in the brains department either, lol

Always been the same size, 5’3" & 103-105lbs
She went down to just under 100 for awhile with her ailments, but she’s back to normal now.


You ever see a mismatched couple of horses in harness together? You’ll blow out one while the other is still dry. I much prefer having an equal partner.

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Folks that hate cats have never had a cat. They are wonderful, smart creatures. And they keep mice and spiders away.
I had my Yoda cat for 23 years. My constant companion. Right now I’m sitting here with my Dusty cat. 5 years old and totally attached to her daddy.

Glad your daughter came out on the good side, Mo. I was worried for you for a minute there.


ok lol ouitta likes, they disappear after I use em now. so here ya go, brother, lol
:heart: :heart: :heart:


Thank you Mike. I appreciate that. She’s in a room and doing well enough.
I never hated cats. They’ve always been around, but they were “working cats” so to speak.


This little thing here was got just as a mouser, lol but she’s a helluva cat! Any time I lay down, she lays down too… on me! My hip or my side, or my head! lol
Spends a lot of her time on my knee here at the desk, lol


Cassidy (the mom) is my wife’s shadow. The darker male named Tolkien (Toke) is my buddy. He is the most chill cat I have ever seen. I can use power tools, air compressor… and it doesn’t bother him a bit. He just wants to find a spot near by. He’s also the boss hoss on the range with the other young cats. lol


:heart: :heart:


See them dark clouds,it’s rain.whats them white clouds? That’s rain too

Send some of it this way, please! lol

edit… We’re still down over 2" for YTD norm

Supposed to be 103° again tomorrow.
But, tomorrow nights cold front with some nice rain. Next four days will be in the low 90’s relief!!!

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Yep, lol looking forward to this ‘cold front’!


It was 100 degrees in Columbia today. It’s their Winter right now!

Northern Hemi brother by 276 miles north of equator
But, that is warm for em.

Google is my friend! Also says average temp there is 74-75

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I believe it’s gonna cool down. I don’t believe it’s gonna be like this entire month of August.

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Usually just first half of the month


I think earth is trying to find a spot to make some new ice. I hope so. I know the Vikings got around very good. And then the ice storm hit them.
I have a son, that is very young. I hope he gets to live a full life.


I stand corrected. I looked back at the map I saw earlier. It was central Brazil that was 100. Normal extreme highs for them is 60 right now