Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Totally understand and agree to that, brother!

lol when we happen to have the TV on and some (read ANY) ‘reality’ show comes on, lol we both are reaching for the remote to get it off there fast!


DANG! Those guys have worms or what? They move like it.

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I only watch tv to fall asleep now. Most of the time I’m in the grow shed. I’ve been hanging out there since I built it. It was my smoking room when we had our house built. I heated it for the cat we had and then it morphed into the grow shed. The cat died but the grows live on. I think it’s time for a new shed cat.:+1:t2:


I don’t want to hurt my plant’s feeling by sticking a TV in the grow-op!
And damn sure ain’t putting one into the bedroom!
I DO like my music to listen to though lol


No bedroom tv, when I start nodding I turn it off and go up to bed. Usually around 9:00 is my limit. I’m a early riser.


I remember one episode that really got me.
It was called the man in the grey suit, or something like that.
This woman was attacked by a man and her husband and her went looking for the guy. She saw the guy in the grey suit and said that was him. Husband kills the guy. Then they are driving down the road and she says there he is! That’s him! The Man in the grey suit. Blood drained from husbands face. End credits. That stuck with me forever. I only saw it once when I was a kid but I still remember it to this day. Weird.


We usually hit the rack around midnight or shortly thereafter. Up by around 5, if I’m lucky lol
If unlucky, I’m up by 3-4

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Saw a few of Hitchcock’s episodes, but not a lot. For some reason or other, I always seemed to have outdoors stuff to do almost all of my life, lol

10 pm until 6 am for me. Nearly every night. Specially if I get a bong rip or two right before I hit the rack. That’s a good solid(ish, I wake up a lot) 8 hrs.


Yup I see that, when I get up at 4:30 yer just in bed a couple hours.

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lol I’ve mentioned my sleep routine here before, I sleep 1.5-2hrs wake, sit on the side of bed or come online, then repeat I manage to get 4-6 hrs on most days


Yeah. Back when I was a young feller, I would get about 4-6 hrs a night. Plenty.
Hell, sometimes I would go a couple days with no sleep, but then crash really hard. It’s amazing what “pocket rockets” can do.


lol I wouldn’t think about doing like I did as a young man! I’d often go 24, 48, 72, and sometimes even 96, Hell with that now!!

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Hahaha kids nowadays don’t know, I used to close the bar go get breakfast and then go to work in the same clothes.


I had a bit of Skywalker left in my tray from last night. I just set it on fire. I’m about as stoned as I can be. Hehe.


Good way to start the day!


I’m out brothers. Have to do chores. It’s nice outside.


Thinking about going back out to the barn, myself lol
Have a goodun, brother!


I’m with @BigMike55 . It’s too nice to be inside. Even if it’s just sitting on the porch smoking pot and playing guitar, outside is where I’m headed. I’ll squeeze in some work between picking and smoking. lol
Catch y’all later.


Good morning y’all!

Was running late this morning, scrambled to get all my chores done and still make it to work on time but did it with a few minutes to spare.

Had to change my routine up if I want OT at work, weekends are out for now so trying to get in 10 hours a day M-F. 0600-1600 hours which means getting up at 0310 hours. Can’t cheat the dog out of the morning walk.

Dentist appointment today and think we will try one of these Ramen restaurants afterwards.

Have a good day fellas!