Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

I’m not going to say how my childhood and teen years went. Let’s just say, I, too, am the black sheep in our family. I get along great with my siblings. But they are high and mighty and I’m just an average guy.
Childhood sucked with multiple severe beatings (not exaggerating). Dad and step mother were both alcoholics who would rather drink booze and beat up on the kids. Mental scars.


Yeah… I can’t put a like on that. I’m amazed at the things I have heard that my friends have gone through in their lives. Most are pretty right minded people. Some aren’t but are harmless. :slight_smile: . One dear friend had been sold at 15 years of age, by her father, to a guy that kept her locked up for years. And she is a good person that isn’t filled with hate and anger.
How does a person even come back from something like that!? It amazes me.


I’ll take that down if you want.


Back in for a bit, then going back out! lol Had to have more coffee…
@MoBilly I see nothing wrong to take down


People that do wrong to children are the next lowest thing to whale shit.
Why do people feel the need to abuse kids who have ZERO ability to defend themselves.


Gotta get back to it this morning…

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What I like about this place is that it’s centered around the plant and flower we all are passionate about but also is a very real community; the human-ness behind the monikers comes through in these conversations. This morning I’d like to thank you guys. Love this community, black sheep and all!


Good morning everyone. I see this is the black sheep pen :joy:


Heck, I was thinking everyone that smokes reefer is the black sheep of the family. I wear that shit like a badge of honor.


Ain’t got to worry with all that no more . Only us reefer-smoking black sheep are still kickin’ , rest have gone to their reward . Those that mess with children , disabled & old folks need to be left in the nearest hogpen or crabtrap .


Went ahead and up potted two Frankenstien clones that had foot long roots. Much like these but longer.

And I thought since these clones are from the original Frankie they deserve some brand new Happy Frog.


Back from taking care of stuff in the barn… worn out, hurting, tired, but happy! lol


That’s why I hang around you guys! I like to stand out in a crowd so… being the only “white sheep” amongst all you “black sheep” makes me unique among our flock.


Does ‘checkered’ count?
lol with what’s called a checkered past, I’d think I could go either way! :scream: :joy: :crazy_face: :+1: :thinking:


Yeah I’m not a sheep, sorry I’m more like the coyote. IMG_0196


White beard does appear wooly! Reckon you’ve met the criteria. :joy:
But I’m betting you and most any of us who’ve been growing since waay before the corporations and hedge fund guys with MBAs from Yale or wherever got in this game, bettcha most all of us, de facto, have character traits thoroughly resistant to docility and submission to authority not grounded in congruity with what our actual, personal experience convinced us was true. So the “sheep” analogy is probably only applicable in the loosest sense.


Speaking of the family business, @JohnnyPotseed, I was thinking: you being in your mid 70’s, both your grandfather and father were extraordinarily ahead of the times!


Well, cuz… with grampa being born in 1876 (passed at 92 in 1968, while I was in Nam) He grew Ganja his whole life. My pop and other Uncles also helped. I honestly believe he wasn’t the first gen grower in my family! lol I base this on hearing stories of how he started smoking at 6yrs old in a corncob pipe…he had to get it from HIS pops humidor! lol So I might just be 4th gen grower instead of 3rd. Or even further!
George Washington has gone down in history as saying ‘this is a crop every American farmer should be cultivating’…


lol No comment on the disparity between him n me? I led a bit rougher life, I think… :scream: :crazy_face: :thinking: :+1:

He was a dapper man, lol but big. 6’4-5" and over 250lbs
I would watch him, pops, and Unc clear a bar out fighting!


@Butterthief1959 ,
I have only been smoking pot, regularly, for a few years. Before that it was just a handful of times. I started using marijuana as medicine to get off pain pills. I’m not getting any more of those now and I owe it to this awesome weed.
The grow that I have going right now would be, I think, my 7th or 8th run. They kinda blended together a while back. lol
In other words, I’m a babe at this.