Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

Good to hear, brother. She does like to go…er, I mean grow. Yeah, that’s it!

lol I reckon both work.

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Morning, OG! :v:

Wake-n-Bake is some White Durban from Rise. Horrid water leaf taste. Said “Premium Grind” online, turned to “Shake” when I picked it up. The high CBD should have been an indicator, but darn it I have to constantly try new stuff from them. Anything I actually like disappears and isn’t re-stocked, or the price is jacked up. :yawning_face:

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The Thunder Rose is showing a lot of Frankenstein influence.
We grew out a cross of Frankenstein x King Tut (Frankenstein’s Bride) While she was still vegging, we crossed Cindy-99 with Strawberry Alien Moonrocks. Let some seed grow out, taking a male for pollen Then hitting the Frankie’s Bride with it.
These are the resulting beans of the final cross


That’s one of the reasons I sell my beans so cheap, lol it’s kinda giving the middle finger to them overpriced seed shops, ridiculous if ya ask me
Also I go with that old saying, ‘a fast nickel is better than a slow dime’


Morning fuckos!


Yeah, I’m ready to get off the Medical Train now. It isn’t very medicinalized. It’s clearly a racket to collect revenue. They do a lot to collect data, they do absolutely nothing (good) with it. 30% off is still $40 for a quarter. But had I known the quality was so low, I would have gotten an eighth of flower…


And the Slick1 has arrived! lol You gonna be working outdoors today, cuz?


Better off growing your own meds, cuz. Bet it’d be a lot better than the Dispo stuff

lol we still get calls from the Dispos we sold to when we were commercial op. Been outta business now a year & half.
They tell us the stuff we sold was the best they’d came across, and ask if we’ll still get em some ‘under the counter’… nope, not happening!


We’ve had a couple nice days. In the 90’s. Going back over 100 today. I’m kinda tired of summer.


And when winter has been around a few months, lol you’ll be tired of the cold! So fickle! :scream: :rofl: :crazy_face: :+1:

lol But, we’ll be right there with ya, biatching about the damn cold!


I normally do not buy flower from dispensary. I do like to go in. And the gummies have gotten so cheap here that I can buy them cheaper than I can make them. I buy them for my wife. Sometimes I get a kick out of some of the crazy shit people talk about in there. I heard one guy say that he pisses on the soil around his outdoor plants. Gives them vitamins he said. And helps keep critters away.
Another guy I heard say that if you wait until the “fade” is over, you’ve waited too long. Might as well shitcan that entire plant.


@insaneyanish I’m pretty sure there are folks on OG that have some seriously great CBD beans. Check around, cuz


I mean, living out in the country long enough- yeah, that one is real. On the plant though? Barbarians.

Good Friday all. Yesterday evening was beautiful here at the Blue Ridge.


:joy: :rofl: :scream: IKR? I actually heard one bud-tender tell a customer ( while I was delivering some buddage) to use ‘Red Bull’ on the plants, that they love it! I left, immediately!


This right here. Search for Euterria (sp) that’s a good one for CBD. It’s available here but I don’t have any left, or id send you some.
In fact, let me check. I MAY have a couple beans left if you want them.


Never experienced it once. “CBD” means “Headache weed” to me generally. :c Never had anything actually cultivated with care on that end of things. Never bought the stuff, what a joke. The stuff Minnesota slings used to be so laden with chemicals my homies used to get seizures from the shit.


Actually, @BigMike55 & @insaneyanish if you research it, Uric acid is sold for Ganja plants. Check Amazon. I don’t use it either (ugh) but it is there! lol
You can also use a healthy person’s piss to adjust the Ph in your water
lol There again, I haven’t done it, but it’s doable

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I don’t want any brother, it was @insaneyanish I was telling to check around here

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As I’m going into Organic SIP, yeah. I had to consider it. Seems like there’s better JLF options than piss though. I have ideas for a JLF Shalajit for a mineral complex.

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