Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

:heart: :heart::heart: :+1:

Very fitting shirt for ya Johnny, that’s pretty badass. And @NDNCHILD that was too cool of you to do, you are a prime example of what makes this place special. Kudos to you!

Got a bad storm rolling in, heavy rains right now and maybe hail and high winds but it usually bypasses us. Off to sit on the porch and see what’s up.


Man, u guys are so fu@#ing cool. I’m glad to b a part of this community. Og’ers are the best folks.


Congratulations on the badge bud! :smiley:


Hey thanks buddy! Much appreciated! :facepunch:t3: @buck90
Just helping spread a little OG joy! :partying_face:
Enjoy your storm watching! Always like checking out the nasty weather myself! Florida panhandle thunder and lightning storms are still my favorite!
Stay safe!


That’s one cool shirt. Wish I wasn’t so poor.


Thank you my friend, I try to catch up on all the great work going on here. If I don’t stop by every day I’ll fall behind. Then ya gotta catch back up.
All that and I can’t stay away from overgrow, I love it here hanging out with you all. It’s the weed, it the circus. It’s love of a plant.:green_heart:


Oh, I know this game well. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I finally decided my next project!!
I’m going to breed a Ganja plant that has Sensi buddage, ready mulched, and already rolled into joints, ready to pluck and smoke!!

:scream: :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :joy: :rofl: :crazy_face: :+1: :lying_face:


This I’ve got to see! :rofl:

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lol I’ll simply refer you to the last Emoji, cuz…

lol Rose and me are sitting here, smoking (of course) and that came into being! lol

And we’re only halfway into the ‘10 doobie nightly’


Hey, ya never know! :joy::rofl::joy::rofl:

You left out “feeds and waters itself”.

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I know. Where’s the fun in that. LOL

Heck yeah, brother! Great Idea, I’ll even name it after you… call it ‘Mo’s Folly’ crossed with ‘JP’s Folley’. Then that called ‘DILLIGAF’

Here I go again, lol ‘TWS’…
Typing While Stoned


OK I’ll bite.


DILLIGAF used to even be on Teeshirts…
‘Do I Look Like I Give A Fuck’?
lol Google it

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Ah! Now I got it. lol
Speaking of t-shirts, Heliosphere is checking to see if he can get one of those shirts in water buffalo size for me. If so I’m getting the Tree Of Life picture on mine.

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Never saw that one, lol Usually it was just the letters, plain n simple
DILLIGAF… some shirts I saw had the words,.