Johnnypotseed’s 3-ring circus - with autos, photos & sex…reversals, that is! (Part 5)

And you know I do appreciate your input, brother! lol I’m pretty sure we’ve used more than one of your suggestions over time

OH and BTW.
We have Supafreak dust. And I happen to have an original Frankie clone that has just started putting on buds. There’s also a CSK that has just started flowering as well…
Freaky Frankie will be a thing, I think (in my best Baba Looey voice). :slight_smile:
I can’t remember right off hand. Do you have any CSK x Frankenstein crosses as of yet?


Not yet, I’m letting the CSK get bigger before putting it into flower. Probably in the next couple weeks

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Now, I’m gonna lay down for a bit, until I ease off some.

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I still have a little of that Frankie dust. Just a pinch. I was considering making some fem CSK x Frankenstein seeds.


Have a good rest bro. You deserve it. :+1:


Check your DMs

That would be a good one

Had to pull the listing on Mic Drop and Luke’s Force until I harvest more beans. What I had gleaned are gone now lol

edit… After spending awhile going through more buddage, the 2 listings are back up now, with plenty of each! lol
I don’t care to list beans without knowing I have the numbers for folks.


Appreciate the help on the A/C today bruh. After the massive cleanup and I left it off for a few hours while we went and had lunch. It’s been now running for all afternoon and it is not icing up any more.
Still a little slow to cool down tho. But at least it’s not warming up. Haha. Thanks again man. I owe ya one.


Very happy to hear it! It’s too hot to be without! :heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart::facepunch:t3::fist:t3::muscle:t3:
I ran outta likes. I didn’t take it back! :joy: I just got these things too! Don’t matter how many they give ya they still fly away so quickly! :joy:


I must have just caught that Feed issue with that last top dress and these last couple rains straightened her right as rain with a small touch of nute burn like the tip of a pen very minimal i have two fans i couldnt get to on top i literally need to use a step ladder to get to it that were yellowed out from the last feed shit fit she threw.Cleaned out those smallers and the lowers that were midgets and She seems happy.Flower sites popping up and peppering the 3 to 4 foot long branches like the teeth on a zipper.Going to dry her up a touch like a day or two and hit her with some more Bud hardener and builder.They are really eating it up.Will be ordering 20lbs more of malted barley and some more ECW.Those Brut ones that come in a 30lb bag are some good shit.plants absolutely love it I have red wiggler babies in that bag that surprised me never got worms in any batches of the other stuff this stuff stays moister too has a really clean smell

Those little shits move like the almost want to jump.Might just find yourself a Red wiggler start up set as a freebie


Red wigglers are the shite! (literally & figuratively) lol We have a ton in our compost bins 4’x4’x8’, also buy a bunch every year to add, since they often get transferred into the plant pots and drown (just more compost,lol) even though we try to keep any out of the pots, it happens…


Im thinking about screening the bags and sifting the little buggers out i knew i seen some egg sacs in little brown ovals in there it was night time and i felt them i wonder if i could start a colony off them?

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By the way, @NDNCHILD
I do happen to have a pack of Bloody Monster beans with your name on it. All I need is your address in a PM.


Brother my likes are in and out at the moment but just know you are in fact AWESOME! :heart::green_heart::heart::green_heart::facepunch:t3::fist:t3::vulcan_salute:t3: Thank you!! :partying_face:
Deets incoming!


Go buy some more on Amazon, cuz. To add to your ‘starters’ It’s gonna be a long time before you get any real assist from just a few.

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Gotcha thanks homie

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Seeing as my Dragon Blood Hash Plant pollen went to a Frankenstein girl to make the beans, @JohnnyPotseed sent me a couple fat packs of beans when they were done. I still have another pack left after yours. It ain’t hurting me none.


Johnny already knows I love him! :joy::crazy_face: And appreciate his work! Doesn’t matter to me if you have a million I appreciate your generosity! Even more so that you’re gifting me some of a limited supply! Thank you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: